"No Calorie" Line of sauces/dips??

I was at my local whole food store for the first time yesterday. I saw this whole shelf of no calorie dressings and dips. I was intrigued, but decided not to waste the money without doing more research. They had ranch, italian and other dressings, chocolate dip and even marshmallow fluff. It claims to be all natrual and I didn't really linger to long to look at ingredients. Has anyone else ever seen this? Or tried it? What were your opinions?

I looked up the name...Walden Farms


  • ihammen
    ihammen Posts: 55 Member
    I've tried several of the Walden Farms dressings, etc. The only thing I have found that is tolerable is the chocolate dip. It tastes somewhat like chocolate. The dressings do not taste anything like their names. After one bite, I threw each of them out.
  • luulu1999
    luulu1999 Posts: 119
    I would def be careful about the other ingredients!!