Craving like a junkie

VERY stressful day at work with no end still in sight...felt crazed, even a little panicked...didn't know where else to turn except a candy bar. I felt a wave of calm go through me. WTH?!?! Any suggestions to curb the craving for awful carbs like that? I think I might understand (even if just a dim glimmer) of what a junkie feels like...


  • I highly recommend Quest Bars. Abosolutely delicious! 1 or less grams of sugar and a good source of protein! Try to just buy a couple individuals ones first... If you can control yourself then by the box... Otherwise you'll be like me and murder a whole box in a day... Yea that's how good they are. Lol
  • CatHunterFit
    CatHunterFit Posts: 194 Member
    Another vote for Quest bars here. I LOVE them!
  • veginut
    veginut Posts: 2 Member
    I had that happen last night and was looking at a stack of the candy bars I bought from a neighborhood kid. Then opted for a handful of dried cranberries which seemed to do the trick. (at least this time)
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    I wouldn't call one candy bar "awful carbs" especially if it's small and its calories can fit in your day.

    HOWEVER... on daily basis, like the previous poster suggested, I eat Quest bars for a little something sweet.

    If you truly want a way to try to circumvent a craving for sweets, and are trying to give up sugar because one candy bar would lead you on a path to too many candy bars, sometimes eating a fatty snack can curb the craving. A spoonful of peanut or almond butter, or an ounce of really sharp cheddar can cut the craving.

    If you CAN be moderate with your consumption of candy, why not find a source of small dark chocolate that you like? Trader Joe's has boxes near the check out that have little triangles. 80 calories for 2 pieces of rich, chocolately goodness.
  • AliceRabbit13
    AliceRabbit13 Posts: 138 Member
    I will try the quest bars. Hershey's used to put out these chocolate sticks that did the trick. I guess I should keep it in my purse for 'emergencies'. My problem is also stopping at just one.