New to Fitness Pal

Hi. I am 48 years old & have pretty much struggled with weight since my beautiful babies were born - 26 years of it!

I have really suffered over the last 4 years, with my appearance. Life had become dull & boring, as I didn't want to socialise anymore - what would I wear?

I had lost 40 kilo before to get down to my ideal size but alas, as the story goes, I put it all back on again. I decided, almost 3 weeks ago, that I needed to track my food intake, so I downloaded the My Fitness Pal app & have logged every day, quite excitedly. I have lost 4 kilo in those 3 weeks & feel that my mind is in the right place this time. I still have a long way to go but I feel so much better about myself that I give myself inspiration, & my family are very excited for me too. I not only eat less, but I eat a very healthy well balanced diet.

Best of luck to everyone :)