meal ideals

What are some good breakfast and lunches. Right now I've been having eggs eac h morning and sandwhichs at lunch but getting sorta bored any ideals


  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Burrito bowl for lunch - make extra meats at dinner so you have leftovers, next day put grilled chicken (or whatever you had, canned chicken breast meat works in a pinch), black or pinto beans, rice if you have/want it, avocado, throw some cheese in there, plain greek yogurt or sour cream, some salsa, lettuce if you want = awesome lunch.

    My breakfasts are pretty much the same - either 2-3 large eggs (sometimes bacon), toast, fruit and black coffee, OR oatmeal with greek yogurt, some protein powder, frozen blueberries or fresh fruit if I've got it, walnuts, honey & cinnamon.