Water Retention??

OK, sooooo. I retained a buttload of water after a vigorous (for me) workout. I watch my salt and drink plenty of water. I was wondering if this is normal? It literally happened overnight. I retained about 7lbs of water and started freaking out.

What can I do to help with water retention besides drink more water? I'm pretty sure I sweat a good chunk of it today, but then tomorrow morning... lol



  • troytroy11
    troytroy11 Posts: 180 Member
    Did you happen to figure out the root of why that happened yet? There are plenty of medications and conditions that can cause this. Being aware of why this is happening can be perhaps the biggest thing you can do to prevent the water retention in the first place. You may need to trial and error until you have it narrowed down. Are you weighing yourself daily or something? It could also be varying amounts of food in your body with different water content and mass. I hope you get it figured out soon.