No support



  • anacd
    anacd Posts: 38 Member
    I want to start by saying I'm tired of being fat! The world is not nice to fat people and doctors blame all your aliments on your weight. Losing weight is hard because no one in my family supports me. When I eat less than them, they ask, "Is that all your gonna eat?" I asked them not to offer me dessert anymore after meals, they still do and give the excuse, "treat yourself." Their attitudes make it so hard to resist the temptation to eat more or indulge. I feel so alone right now. I want to be successful, but will it be impossible with them around? I can't lose this weight quick enough, I don't want to be fat anymore!!

    I totally relate to you! I struggled with my weight my whole life and hated the "fat jokes" or when people just bluntly said: you look fat. It's incredible how this shapes the way we think! It took a long timefor me to realize that the way my body looks doesn't define me. If I'm fat, skinny or just average, it doesn't change who I am! I think this was the first step toward losing weight. In the past, I would try to lose weight for others: so that others would think I'm beautiful, so that others would stop looking down on me, etc. Now, I'm in the process of losing weight (still 50lbs ahead of me), but I'm doing it for me: for being healthier, to have more energy, to feel better overall.
    As for your family support, unfortunately there is no easy way for that: you will just have to be strong enough to say no as many times you need to say no until they realize you are serious about losing weight. Just be aware that some of them will never give up though; just take it as an extra challenge to show yourself you can do it (becaus you CAN do it!)!! You will see, the effort will be worth it :smile:
    LIZWRN Posts: 9 Member
    Here I go again, and I can understand about not feeling support from hubby and others. However after I took a long hard look at myself, to gain perspective and direction again, I recall how many times I have tried, this and that to get my weight under control, and hubby was on my side and each time I could not substain my efforts. I now understand that for the last decade this was how it went, now I see it as it is (IMHO) like a drug addict and how many times a family/friends go in circles with them just to see them use again. I now realize that I have to prove myself not just to my loved ones but myself also, then the support will follow. If I count how many times I have let not just me but him down, it is hard to get excited, but I am going in the right direction and have a different mindset...I did not gain it all overnight nor will I lose it all overnight........
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    When you decide you want to achieve something, then you should go about it in the right way. Having an unhelpful family is just an obstacle that you can overcome, but you have to put some thought into how and then adopt an approach that means it will not get in your way. This is why its best to devise a thorough plan that works for you.

    If you feel alone, then get friends and use them as support, this site is full of tens if nit hundreds of thousands of people all losing weight. They can empathise with the challenges you have but also be good role models because they are consistently losing weight. That will help you feel less lonely and add to increase your chance of success.

    The other thing id suggest doing is to educate yourself into all aspects of your journey, that means learning about weight loss and how you will achieve it along with common traits that the vast majority of the successful losers follow. Knowledge is power.

    Be patient, be kind to yourself and apply yourself consistently. You cna make change if you wnat to and go about it in the right way. Many people here will support you.