home vs gym



  • natebollinger
    natebollinger Posts: 24 Member
    edited March 2015
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    I prefer the gym...they have way more lifting equipment than I could ever possibly fit into my garage.

    Plus, I've had issues working out at home in the past...basically I walk in the door and all of the million domestic things I need to take care of hit me in the face and I don't get my workout in...because that's broken and needs fixed now...or the dog pooped in the living room again, etc. With the gym, I go directly from work and I get my stuff done without distraction.

    It might be different if I was a bachelor and didn't have a wife and two young kids...just too much *kitten* going on once I get home.

    That said, I would like to get an Oly platform and some bumper plates for those times when I can't make it to the gym and get a full workout in...at least I would be able to get in some Oly stuff which usually only takes me 20 minutes or so.

    For this reason alone is why I have to workout at home. If I took 2 hours out of the day to drive to the gym, find a parking spot, get to the locker, change, lift (and have to wait for equipment), cardio, shower, change, walk back to car, drive home, etc, my wife would chop my balls off and my kids would hate me! :-O
  • hnsaunde
    hnsaunde Posts: 757 Member
    mirrim52 wrote: »
    I wish I could work out at home, but with no garage, a small house, and a basement with only 6' ceilings, there is no where to put equipment. So the gym it is! But it is a hassle, because I don't go right after work because it is too crowded and I can't get a rack, but if I wait until later, their daycare closes too early, so then I have to pay a babysitter if my husband isn't home. So I go at night after the kiddo is in bed and hubby is home, but often have to rush through to get to sleep at a reasonable time myself. I would kill to be able to lift weights while dinner is cooking or the kid is watching TV.

    Have you tried finding a half rack instead of a full squat rack or power cage? I have 7 foot ceilings and the half rack fits nicely there.
  • kruuTahn
    kruuTahn Posts: 55 Member
    I'd much prefer to work out at home, but I don't have the space or the cash for a treadmill and squat rack. So it's the gym at the office for now.
  • WednesdayJanuary07th2015
    edited March 2015
    Both & while running errands. If I am well enough, I try to walk; rather than take the bus.

    I'm building a home gym because I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome & so I try to conserve any/all energy that I might have for just exercising; rather than spend possibly my entire ability to workout getting dressed & going to the bus stop, only to get to the gym & then be too exhausted to workout. Plus I'd have to go when the bus, is available to take me so if I was well enough to go to the gym at 2:00 A.M.; the bus doesn't come at that time.

    However though I'd go to the gym if/when possible, for exercising, etc., that I am unable to do at home. Like swimming in an indoor pool, during Autumn, Winter & Spring since I reside in New Jersey & my apartment complex's swimming pool, is outdoors. Plus I can have a session with a personal trainer & a nutritionist, at no additional cost once a month. Also I can't afford all of the equipment and/or have the space for it at home, that a gym has to offer & I'm interested in taking classes, that just videos at home don't motivate me enough to do on my own. For some strange reason if I'm exercising alone, I have to use gym equipment instead of a video; otherwise I won't exercise at home. The same thing applies with running errands, I won't go for a walk; unless I have a purpose beyond exercising to. I guess it's because I am huge about multitasking. I won't even allow myself to watch television, unless I'm also exercising, folding laundry, clipping coupons, etc.
  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    sigsby wrote: »
    I have a home gym set up but prefer exercising outdoors. I do have a Y membership but it pains me to use it. The only reason I go there is for the pool.
    Today feels like spring here and I am going for my first outdoor run since the frigid temps kicked in. Yes, I am a baby.

    Sew excited. (*)
  • marywilkinson1984
    marywilkinson1984 Posts: 13 Member
    I do both. Morning workouts with my hubby, T25. I really like it. Then the kids and I go to the gym in the evening. I use machines or someday take classes and the kids get to play and have a great time. Then we swim together!
  • 4leighbee
    4leighbee Posts: 1,275 Member
    The gym works with my schedule, for one thing. But ... I absolutely love my gym(s) (home and work) - the atmosphere, the focus I (and others) have there, the (albeit, contrived)check-in/accountability (nobody actually cares if I show up, but I belong to a community of like-minded people at the gym). Even if my lunch workout is an outside run, I like the locker room hellos and routine, as well as the nods and waves to the other runners, male and female.

    I'm a legal secretary and a mother of three. At the gym, I am there to work. Period. No interruptions.

    At home, for me, there is less structure and there are infinitely more competing priorities (read: my children).
  • MellowGa
    MellowGa Posts: 1,258 Member
    I work out at home, built myself a nice little gym, I don't like the whole Gym aspect, just me, some tunes and my weights
  • dougpconnell219
    dougpconnell219 Posts: 566 Member
    I prefer to have a seperate place. If I had equipment at home, is work out too much I think.
  • TFaustino67
    TFaustino67 Posts: 551 Member
    I'm jealous of those who have the room for a home gym, but that being said, you really need to ask yourself if you have the discipline to workout at home. As others have mentioned there are distractions to consider.
  • Bludgeon730
    Bludgeon730 Posts: 3 Member
    Home. I remodeled my home office into a workout space with matted floors and my adjustable bench, dumbbell rack, pullup bar, etc. Plan on adding a squat rack and bar/bumpers to my garage this summer. Gyms in my area are so crowded, I find myself aggravated and finding excuses not to "go all the way to the gym". When the equipment is right there, I have no excuses and hit it hard at home. When I start going heavy again (recovering from back surgery) I will either set up the safety bars/straps appropriately or invite a friend over to work out and spot for max efforts. For cardio I either do a p90x style session or go for a run/bike ride. I have a trainer to toss my bike on in the garage too, but it's gathering dust. It's just not a great workout in my opinion, and not as comfortable or fun as riding on the road or trail.
  • _Tink_
    _Tink_ Posts: 3,845 Member
    Definitely home, as I have a home gym. No waiting, no one distracting me, I can keep everything set up the way I need it, and there's no one to complain about me singing along to inappropriate lyrics on my iPod.
  • Bouncer0225
    Bouncer0225 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm personally a gym guy. I feel like I can't cheat myself while I am at the gym. That I have to push myself as hard as possible. Plus there is no way I could do all the different exercises that I would want to at a home gym
  • mirrim52
    mirrim52 Posts: 763 Member
    hnsaunde wrote: »
    mirrim52 wrote: »
    I wish I could work out at home, but with no garage, a small house, and a basement with only 6' ceilings, there is no where to put equipment. So the gym it is! But it is a hassle, because I don't go right after work because it is too crowded and I can't get a rack, but if I wait until later, their daycare closes too early, so then I have to pay a babysitter if my husband isn't home. So I go at night after the kiddo is in bed and hubby is home, but often have to rush through to get to sleep at a reasonable time myself. I would kill to be able to lift weights while dinner is cooking or the kid is watching TV.

    Have you tried finding a half rack instead of a full squat rack or power cage? I have 7 foot ceilings and the half rack fits nicely there.

    Thanks, but I still wouldn't be able to do anything that required lifting over my head :)
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I like home. I don't have to wait on equipment and if I want to jump back and forth between things I can without disrupting other people's workouts. Plus I don't have to travel to get there so it fits with my schedule.

    I try to go to the gym once a week for a change of scenery but I do prefer working out at home for the most part.
  • AmandaHugginkiss
    AmandaHugginkiss Posts: 486 Member
    I need both right now. I lift at home most of the time, but if I go to the gym, I get in a longer bike ride, and I get the social aspect. I also work out with a friend, and there's a child room at the gym where our kids play together.

    But there's something to be said for opening up the garage, blaring some thrash metal, yelling and grunting, and killing it with squats. I lift harder at home because I try things I wouldn't necessarily want to do in the gym.
  • hnsaunde
    hnsaunde Posts: 757 Member
    mirrim52 wrote: »
    hnsaunde wrote: »
    mirrim52 wrote: »
    I wish I could work out at home, but with no garage, a small house, and a basement with only 6' ceilings, there is no where to put equipment. So the gym it is! But it is a hassle, because I don't go right after work because it is too crowded and I can't get a rack, but if I wait until later, their daycare closes too early, so then I have to pay a babysitter if my husband isn't home. So I go at night after the kiddo is in bed and hubby is home, but often have to rush through to get to sleep at a reasonable time myself. I would kill to be able to lift weights while dinner is cooking or the kid is watching TV.

    Have you tried finding a half rack instead of a full squat rack or power cage? I have 7 foot ceilings and the half rack fits nicely there.

    Thanks, but I still wouldn't be able to do anything that required lifting over my head :)

    Makes sense, I was just thinking about that actually. You could squat, bench press and deadlift with a half rack, but overhead press and anything similar wouldn't work.
  • klkateri
    klkateri Posts: 432 Member
    I don't like being the fat kid, huffing and puffing and sweating like a *kitten* in church at the gym. Plus I'm not comfortable there. I won't take off my t-shirt if when I get blasted hot and work in my tank and I won't wear shorts either. So I avoid going and really hate when I go. I know no one cares what I look like, wear, amount I sweat, etc. but for me, home is so much better.

    At home, I can work in a sports bra and ratty tank and I'll wear shorts and push and push and sweat and swear and... work out!! Plus, I like to work out in spurts. 10 minutes here, 5 minutes there and get up to my 30+ throughout the day. Where if I go to the gym I feel I have to stay like an hour or two, whereas if I'm home I'll run on my treadmill down in the basement when I throw some wash in. I'll do pushup's and crunches waiting for my Netflix to load, I'll do my Fluidity when I get up. You get the idea!!

    Not to mention, I've acquired a fair amount of workout equipment cheap or free over the past few years!! Plus I have the room to have a home gym so why not have one!!
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    Home. I used to go to the gym when I lived near the nicer, newer branches of my chain (24 hour) - but now I live by the two crappiest, smallest, most run-down branches and they're depressing just to be in. Now I'm afraid I'm spoiled though by not having to do stuff like brush my hair or wear a shirt or go outside.
  • aquamarina_182
    aquamarina_182 Posts: 119 Member
    I feel very self conscious at the gym...and it's alot harder for me to get to one. I have my home dvd programs that I follow without issues, I just set time aside to do them everyday. I see it as a necessity now...kinda like waking up and showering or brushing my teeth. Seeing it this way makes it easier for me to follow through with it :) perhaps in a few months when ive reached my mini goals I will be brave enough to enter a gym to look into learning how to lift properly and things like that.