New! aaaaand Confused with MFP

amandamoa17 Posts: 8
edited March 2015 in Food and Nutrition
Hi everyone!

Quick question,
Let's say I want to lose a couple pounds, and I've received my TEE (amount of calories needed in a day to lose them stubborn love handles). I'm new here so I still need showing around hahah. My question is, do I actually have to follow the nutrition guideline by MFP?

Let's say that my protein needed in a day is 60g and carbs a day would be 170g.
Would it actually be effective for my weight loss if I were to eat roughly that much carbs a day? Or would you guys recommend to reduce my carbs and eat more protein.

Thank you for clearing it up! =)


  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Calories are what matter for weight loss. If you're within the right calorie range you should lose (barring any medical conditions that might affect your metabolism). Macros (carbs/fat/protein) help with health, workout performance, hunger, body composition, etc. You can follow MFP's suggestions and be fine. A lot of us think they set their protein and fat goals a little low, though, so we tend to suggest using those a minimum numbers to reach every day rather than maximums to stay below. It's up to you and how you feel best, though.
  • MaryCS62
    MaryCS62 Posts: 266 Member
    I use 45/30/25 (C, P, F). Don't always manage it, but I want my carbs lower & Protein higher. It helps me make decisions--if I know I'm having a high carb dinner, I try to go carb light eralier in the day. You have to see what makes you satisfied. For example, I have to eat protein at breakfast, because if I don't I get hungry again too quickly. That usually means I won't have cereal & fruit for breakfast, b/c it doesn't keep me full, even though I like it.
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    You can go into the "custom" change goals option and adjust those ratios to whatever you want them to be. Leave the calories and it will tell you if your numbers work out or not.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    Pay attention to calories first. The other stuff can be good goals to shoot for and getting enough fat, protein and fiber can help you to feel more satisfied. If you go over or under but are hitting your calorie number and feeling good I wouldn't worry about the rest.