help.... severe sprained ankle

I have lost 60lbs over the past 2 years between walking and My Fitness Pal...
I went to sky zonw trampoline park with my kids over the weekend and severly sprained my ankle. I am on Crutches and an air cast not sure how long.... I am scared I am going to regain a ton of weight since i can not walk my 3-5 miles a day...... what else can i do?? sitting on my rearend???


  • esjones12
    esjones12 Posts: 1,363 Member
    Do you have access to a hand bike? That is some exercise that doesn't involve your leg at all. You could maybe do some upper body free weights. But I'd talk to your doctor.

    As long as you are eating at or under maintenance calories, you won't put on weight.

    Make sure to follow doctors orders on taking care of your ankle ;)
  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    Weight is about calories in vs. calories out.

    Stay at your deficit, don't eat over it.
  • meditz
    meditz Posts: 11 Member
    no hand bike unfortunatly... i'm just afraid that my body is so used to the activity that even eating maintenance i will put on weigght.... i already feel like a slug and it's been 5 days...
  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    meditz wrote: »
    no hand bike unfortunatly... i'm just afraid that my body is so used to the activity that even eating maintenance i will put on weigght.... i already feel like a slug and it's been 5 days...
    If you're eating a true maintenance, you will not gain weight.

    Eating in a deficit will provide weight loss. Simple as that!

  • rbiss
    rbiss Posts: 422 Member
    You don't need to work out, but assume you are sedentary for the next several weeks and lower you calorie intake accordingly. Nothing crazy maybe 200-300 less. You won't gain any significant weight as long as you watch what you eat even if your calorie target is a bit off. Let's say you burned 500 calories on that walk. You do not adjust your food and you are now eating +500 every day. You would gain about 1lb per week.

    If you always had an afternoon snack, or a sugary drink, just cut it back for a bit.
  • meditz
    meditz Posts: 11 Member
    thanks for the input... i am driving myself crazy.... i have cut back on the sugar just to be on th safe side... i switched to stevia in my 4 cups coffee instead of sugar....
  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    meditz wrote: »
    thanks for the input... i am driving myself crazy.... i have cut back on the sugar just to be on th safe side... i switched to stevia in my 4 cups coffee instead of sugar....
    Are you reading any of my posts?

    Stevia, sure, use it if you want to keep your calories down. But you don't need to cut the sugar if you fit it into your goals.
  • meditz
    meditz Posts: 11 Member
    i am reading your posts... i know it's calories in/ calories out.... but i am a very active person just in general... i do not sit down when i am home ever, always cleaning cooking baking... doing something....i am not a sedentary person at all. and right now i am a couch potatoe...
  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    meditz wrote: »
    i am reading your posts... i know it's calories in/ calories out.... but i am a very active person just in general... i do not sit down when i am home ever, always cleaning cooking baking... doing something....i am not a sedentary person at all. and right now i am a couch potatoe...
    rbiss wrote: »
    You don't need to work out, but assume you are sedentary for the next several weeks and lower you calorie intake accordingly. Nothing crazy maybe 200-300 less. You won't gain any significant weight as long as you watch what you eat even if your calorie target is a bit off. Let's say you burned 500 calories on that walk. You do not adjust your food and you are now eating +500 every day. You would gain about 1lb per week.

    If you always had an afternoon snack, or a sugary drink, just cut it back for a bit.

  • meditz
    meditz Posts: 11 Member
    thanks rbiss... ;)
  • monicalferrier
    monicalferrier Posts: 11 Member
    Because I am completely out of shape, I went to You Tube and found some pretty good exercises for (forgive me) elderly people and Zumba done in a chair.

    This is a link to my exercise playlist. I hope it helps.
  • meditz
    meditz Posts: 11 Member
    oh thanks... i will look at this!!!!
  • Out_of_Bubblegum
    Out_of_Bubblegum Posts: 2,220 Member
    It's a good time to take up strength training.. you can do a lot of exercises that don't involve standing/loading your ankle.
  • esjones12
    esjones12 Posts: 1,363 Member
    meditz wrote: »
    no hand bike unfortunatly... i'm just afraid that my body is so used to the activity that even eating maintenance i will put on weigght.... i already feel like a slug and it's been 5 days...

    Last fall I injured my back and couldn't even walk for a week, missed a few weeks of being active (and my body is used to way more than 3-5 miles of walking a day)....I actually found it easier to lose weight eating at the same deficit I was prior to injury. A lot of it was muscle/water loss....but I have successfully kept that weight off since *shrug*

    Honestly going stir crazy is the worst part. Find something to occupy your mind!
  • meditz
    meditz Posts: 11 Member
    i will keep that in mind... stir crazy is definitely part of it
  • dawnmcneil10
    dawnmcneil10 Posts: 638 Member
    Meal planning is a great way to use up the free time to avoid going completely stir crazy. Use this time to try new recipes, revisit foods you didn't care for in the past and perhaps prepare them a different way. Do some upper body and core exercises, read a good book, keep a journal of how you feel each day. Those are just a few things that come to mind.
  • Wiseandcurious
    Wiseandcurious Posts: 730 Member
    Check out the lady in this success story: Down 85 and counting

    She had serious surgery, started with upper body work, than laps in crutches around the block. (The story is on her profile page). If she can do it, you can, too! I have had severe ankle sprain in the past, yes it may take months to heal but it does heal and it doesn't have to be anything more than just an obstacle to go over. You can!
  • MsBeverleyH
    MsBeverleyH Posts: 99 Member
    I sprained my ankle two years ago. It was so bad that I was on crutches for 2 months, and had to go to physio to learn how to walk again.

    Stir crazy is going to happen. Frustration is going to happen. But, if you watch/count your calories, you'll be fine. (I actually lost weight because I couldn't buy food as easily...Heh)
  • meditz
    meditz Posts: 11 Member
    thanks for the support.... i am new to this "injury " thing... i am going to be 40 and i have never been on crutches or had anything hold me back from moving....
    (my love of food made me 60lbs larger than i am ...)
  • mymodernbabylon
    mymodernbabylon Posts: 1,038 Member
    I have had several injuries this year which meant I couldn't exercise including a broken rib. I went and re-calculated my TDEE on Scooby with not being able to workout and ate at that. No problem and no weight gain at all.