Fit Moms Success Story

cagredat Posts: 7 Member
After I had my kids, my body just got messed up, I always was a thin girl no matter what I ate.
I'm trying to lose weight after years of living just eating whenever I got a chance, and usually kids food (Mac & Cheese, chicken nuggets, etc) So I completely forgot about me for years.
I want to lose weight and I thought that seeing other moms success stories would be incredible helpful


  • cagredat
    cagredat Posts: 7 Member
  • Laviegurl25
    Laviegurl25 Posts: 121 Member
    I am a mother of 2. A 4 year old and a 6 month old. I found that me losing weight, I has to change my whole families meal plan. After my son was born it was something fast and easy for my daughter at lunch (Alphagettis, chef bouyardie, Mac and cheese, grilled cheese list goes on)
    my daughter stopped eating the good stuff. So, the past three months has been me changing our meal plans. My daughter now eats what's put infront of her. Asks to help in the kitchen and tries new things!
    After I had my daughter I lost 40lbs.
    I gained 60 with my son and am workig on the last 50 now. You can do it. I just stop buying the junk!
  • cagredat
    cagredat Posts: 7 Member
    Make sense!! I'll definitely make changes in our diet Thanks!!!!
  • CoconutLucy
    CoconutLucy Posts: 14 Member
    I had 3 kids within the last 4 years. I was never overweight but I put my body through a lot with those pregnancies. I had my last baby girl 4 months ago. Throughout my last pregnancy I told myself this time will be different and i will get in the best shape of my life after this baby ( I always said that during each pregnancy.) Well since January I started calorie counting still eating what I want just within my calories and have lost all the baby weight and more I didn't change my diet much. Definitely cut out things like soda and desserts but other than that I eat all the food I love(I have to have a cheeseburger and fries at least once a week!). Now I'm down to what I was pre-all my babies (5'5' 120lbs) my body definitely doesn't look the same after 3 babies but I'm not giving up. Just started lifting weights this week and hopefully will reach my ultimate fitness goal. I found the losing weight pretty easy since i made logging a fun habit. I love feeling in control seeing the lbs drop. Now the hard part is getting fit while taking care of 3 small kids. Luckily my husband lifts and knows his stuff so he trains me in our garage gym. Its hard but determination is the answer!
    Good luck!
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    This one is awesome:

    I'm not a success story yet. I still have work to do, but I do have some progress pictures.
    Current face comparison:
    My drivers license had to be renewed in Jan 2012 after I had my first son (Dec 2011).

    Me 2 days after my c-section in Dec 2011:

    I didn't take pictures in 2012 of myself. I took a lot of pictures of my son, but I was pretty ashamed of how I looked. I even had my husband delete pictures he took of me.

    2013 progress pictures:
    I discovered MFP towards the end of 2012. I didn't actually start using it though until 2013 and man what a difference it made. The last picture there, I was actually about 5 weeks pregnant (although, I didn't know it at the time).

    2014 to now progress pictures:

    41 weeks vs a couple weeks later vs early/mid Feb 2015

    and these are me currently (well 3 days ago)-
    I am extremely close to a healthy BMI now which I haven't seen since I married my husband. I took these pictures to see how well the shorts fit and for progress pictures at a later date. My stomach needs some work, but it's getting better every day. I'm actually surprised that it doesn't look all that horrible even after 2 c-sections and being obese.
  • efrensgirl2015
    efrensgirl2015 Posts: 480 Member
    Great job! U look awesome. Keep it up!
  • lindaloo1213
    lindaloo1213 Posts: 283 Member
    You look great! And I can see a big difference from the end of the 60 day challenge to now!!
  • cagredat
    cagredat Posts: 7 Member
    Great job!!!! Thanks for sharing your progress, it's inspiring! !!!
  • jessjess210
    jessjess210 Posts: 91 Member
    This one is awesome:

    I'm not a success story yet. I still have work to do, but I do have some progress pictures.
    Current face comparison:
    My drivers license had to be renewed in Jan 2012 after I had my first son (Dec 2011).

    Me 2 days after my c-section in Dec 2011:

    I didn't take pictures in 2012 of myself. I took a lot of pictures of my son, but I was pretty ashamed of how I looked. I even had my husband delete pictures he took of me.

    2013 progress pictures:
    I discovered MFP towards the end of 2012. I didn't actually start using it though until 2013 and man what a difference it made. The last picture there, I was actually about 5 weeks pregnant (although, I didn't know it at the time).

    2014 to now progress pictures:

    41 weeks vs a couple weeks later vs early/mid Feb 2015

    and these are me currently (well 3 days ago)-
    I am extremely close to a healthy BMI now which I haven't seen since I married my husband. I took these pictures to see how well the shorts fit and for progress pictures at a later date. My stomach needs some work, but it's getting better every day. I'm actually surprised that it doesn't look all that horrible even after 2 c-sections and being obese.

    Wow you look amazing! How did you do it?
  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member
    I think you look terrific & thank you for sharing your transformation. I would love to post my own pics someday!
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    This one is awesome:

    I'm not a success story yet. I still have work to do, but I do have some progress pictures.
    Current face comparison:
    My drivers license had to be renewed in Jan 2012 after I had my first son (Dec 2011).

    Me 2 days after my c-section in Dec 2011:

    I didn't take pictures in 2012 of myself. I took a lot of pictures of my son, but I was pretty ashamed of how I looked. I even had my husband delete pictures he took of me.

    2013 progress pictures:
    I discovered MFP towards the end of 2012. I didn't actually start using it though until 2013 and man what a difference it made. The last picture there, I was actually about 5 weeks pregnant (although, I didn't know it at the time).

    2014 to now progress pictures:

    41 weeks vs a couple weeks later vs early/mid Feb 2015

    and these are me currently (well 3 days ago)-
    I am extremely close to a healthy BMI now which I haven't seen since I married my husband. I took these pictures to see how well the shorts fit and for progress pictures at a later date. My stomach needs some work, but it's getting better every day. I'm actually surprised that it doesn't look all that horrible even after 2 c-sections and being obese.

    Wow you look amazing! How did you do it?

    If I hadn't found MFP, I probably would have given up long ago.
    I eat around 2000 calories a day on average (my net changes depending on my weight...I think it's currently 1490 for 1lb per week). I only have a few limits when it comes to food intake:
    • Has to fit into my calorie budget
    • Better not make me ill (food poisoning sucks)
    • Has to taste good (if I don't like the taste, then I'm not wasting calories on it)
    Anything that I make at home gets weighed with a scale and I take my best guess when I eat out.

    Working out has been all over the place. At first, I was just walking and using Xbox Kinect or Wii games (EA Sports Active 2.0, Dance Central, Wii Fit Plus, Zumba, Just Dance). When the kiddos nap made a great time to squeeze in a workout. If I started a workout and my youngest woke up, I'd move him to his play gym or give him a few toys in his pack n' play to keep him occupied until I was done. My oldest would either try to join me or color. After my second was born, I was doing walks and workout dvds until Feb this year. Now I have a membership to our local YMCA which includes 2 hours of daycare a day. My workout routine is now Stronglifts 5x5 (MWF), Zombies,Run!5k (TTS), random walks throughout the week and random cardio using Xbox Fitness or DVD's at home.
  • erinp523
    erinp523 Posts: 50 Member
    I graduated high school at 135. Fast forward 7 years later and I topped the scales at 210 when I went to deliver my daughter. After I had her I went down to about 186 and stayed there for a bit. When my daughter was about 5 months old I started ripped in 30 and tried to watch what I eat and got down to 171 and for about a year I yo-yo'd between 165 and 175. Finally this year I decided to commit. I log my food every day both good and bad. I works full time so sometimes what I eat has to be quick but I just work it into my calorie budget. I bought Jillian Michaels body revolution and am currently on week 10. I last weighed myself Friday and was at 156 and I have dropped a pant size. My best advice from one mom to another is make your eating habits work into your calorie budget. This will force you to eat in moderation and swap things out. And if you can squeeze in just 30 minutes of exercise a day you will be amazed. I let my daughter play on the floor with her toys while I work out. I can keep an eye on her and pause the DVD if I need to.
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