Discouraged ... Was so much easier last time around ...

Back on MFP after having a very successful run at it 18 months ago ... went from 287 to 224 but then I had some medical issues which derailed my routine and then I got lazy which means I am *almost* starting from scratch ... back up at 259 ...

34 yo Female
Height: 5'5'' or 5'6'' depending on if I trust the doctor or DMV ;-)
CW: 259
Goal: 155
Diary is open but only goes back 3ish weeks
Calories are set at 1540 and I don't eat back exercise cals because I don't think MFP/Fitbit are all that accurate
Lightly active setting
2lb per week goal as I have alot to lose

I found my motivation about 3 weeks ago ... started to log and weigh foods diligently again ... joined Planet Fitness and go for approximately 45 mins 3-5 times a week depending on work ... When I work out I generally bike for 20 mins to warm up and get my heart rate up and then use the weight machines: Seated Leg Press, Leg Curl, Leg Extension, Calf Raise, Seated Row, Chest Press, Tricep, Bicep and Lat Pulldown

My issue is I haven't seen the scale move by any meaningful (over 1 lb) amount ... I seem to be stalled or gaining before I even really get started... last time around I was losing 3-4 lbs a week in the beginning without working out ... I thought that by adding the gym I would only enhance my progress not stop it ...

So I guess I am asking ... what should I be doing differently or change up or am I just suffering from impatience?


  • lindseyrenee8
    lindseyrenee8 Posts: 27 Member
    You were heavier last time and probably easier to lose. Bumping up the intensity of your workout may push you through the plateau.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    Could be water retention this time since you're working out now and weren't previously. And from the truck load of sodium you're consuming.

    But I hear ya. Last time I lost weight I went down a bunch of sizes. This time I've lost more weight but not lost a single size. Frustrating for sure.