Women - dealing with periods and motivation

Beware the Hormone Monster for she is vicious...

Been good and motivated for almost 2 weeks here - now my first period is starting since I started and its tearing me down. Sluggish, hungry, bloated, and a little apathetic.

How do you all handle this-time-of-the-month? Push through? ease back? take a break? Work harder?


  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    It's one of those personal things. Most months I just keep my head down and push through.

    Some women eat at maintenance for a week or so, some take the week off, some just keep on trucking. Everyone's symptoms vary so much there is no one right answer - it's whatever you find that works for you.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    You will so much better for continuing on and working out through it. It reduces cramping, stress and the need to plant someones head in a chair :D
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    I do find that yoga really, really helps me with my emotional and physical symptoms.
  • emdeesea
    emdeesea Posts: 1,823 Member
    Mine used to be really bad. Like borderline premenstrual dysphoric disorder, where I'd become suicidal and have monster cramps and disordered thinking. And the food cravings were very difficult to control, so I would just eat at maintenance level and increase my carbs, and just keep my head down and slog through. But these days it's much better. I don't know if it's because I lost some weight, or it's because of the exercise, or because maybe I'm peri menopausal, but they're nowhere near as bad as they used to be.
  • pennyks88
    pennyks88 Posts: 167 Member
    Currently dealing with this right now! I always get irritated, anti-social, and depressed right before mine is about to start. I slept a good chunk of the day away today, but I forced myself to get up and do the 30 Day Shred. It does help my mood a bit to get up and do something physical. As much as you don't want to, push through it!
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    emdeesea wrote: »
    Mine used to be really bad. Like borderline premenstrual dysphoric disorder, where I'd become suicidal and have monster cramps and disordered thinking. And the food cravings were very difficult to control, so I would just eat at maintenance level and increase my carbs, and just keep my head down and slog through. But these days it's much better. I don't know if it's because I lost some weight, or it's because of the exercise, or because maybe I'm peri menopausal, but they're nowhere near as bad as they used to be.

    I have PMDD. It's really nice to know that maybe one day, I'll have relief from the crazypants.
  • emdeesea
    emdeesea Posts: 1,823 Member

    I have PMDD. It's really nice to know that maybe one day, I'll have relief from the crazypants.

    It's seriously like the exorcism of a demon. "The power of Ben and Jerry's compels you!"
  • AlciaMode
    AlciaMode Posts: 421 Member
    I just finished mine. First day went to hell. I ate stupid and stayed on the couch with cramps. Second day I pulled myself, did a great workout and ate better, now I am on the fourth day of working out in a row. I find that telling myself the only other option is misery of fat helps me push through
  • FunkenWagnel
    FunkenWagnel Posts: 131 Member
    It depends on the period, for me. If it has me in crippling pain, I rest. If I can do something, I work out. If I think I can go hard, I do, if not, I'll do an easy workout.

    As for food, I'll eat the best foods I can, but if I have a hard core craving, I'll give into it.
  • Lynn_Chapman
    Lynn_Chapman Posts: 8 Member
    Im soooo trying to fight the cravings right now, My cramps are mild but gradually getting worse, and today i really need to run. I took yesterday to just walk and it felt ok. I already ate two fiber one bars and theres a box a krispy kreme in the kitchen. i bought them while i was craving and i been fighting with eating one for an hour... DAMN KRISPY KREME! :#
  • rbiss
    rbiss Posts: 422 Member
    Have you considered a birth control that stops the period?
  • sherdnerdaok
    sherdnerdaok Posts: 2 Member
    Ahh. The curse of Eve... That *kitten*... :)

    Even if you take a day...or 4...off, just make better eating choices if you don't hit it full throttle. And drink LOTS of water... It'll make you feel a bit bloated, but it will help with the hunger and keep you hydrated.
  • Camigwen
    Camigwen Posts: 41 Member
    I just got my first bad one since I started working out again, tonight I was craving carbs so bad. To tired to cook so went to the local truck stop for supper, ate way too much grease and I feel even worse.

    Keep telling myself tomorrow will be better and I can start over with a morning workout. If your anything like me do what you can when you can and give yourself a break if you eat what your craving. Just remember each day is another chance to make better choices and if you eat badly pick yourself up and try again tomorrow.

    Thanks Lynn_Chapman, now I really want a Krispy Kreme too
  • DKG28
    DKG28 Posts: 299 Member
    I usually have one monster day each time - I stay on track and suck up the misery, and drinks lots of tea. Eat small meals often (the full stomach feeling just adds to the misery - and to the digestive upset that TOM brings). I don't workout, but I'll intentionally be on my feet more - standing better than sitting when I have cramps. Now that I know I can't solve tired and pain with more food, it's easier to avoid. But I get nausea more often than cravings - so I don't have advice on that.
  • yesimpson
    yesimpson Posts: 1,372 Member
    If I feel really sick or am in pain on the first day of my period I give myself the day off 'proper' exercise and don't worry about eating a little more, but I get back on it the day after, because movement does make me feel better and extra donuts do not have any real analgesic effects :)
  • DeserveVictory
    DeserveVictory Posts: 133 Member
    I drink lots of fluids and have healthy snacks on hand so I'm less tempted to go to the store for chocolate. The first day is really bad, so I plan for that to be a day at home, but I make myself go to the gym or go for a walk on the second day. I find it shortens my 5+ day period to 4-5 days if I'm active and hydrated. And yes, that is with the pill.
  • chiilipepper
    chiilipepper Posts: 17 Member
    I understand exactly how you feel. During that time of the month is so hard to keep motivation and to even feel good and sexy between the bloating and muscle aches. Try to push through and even if you don't have a hard amazing workout, a little its better than nothing and make sure to keep your eating clean specially during that time of the month when we tend to craved chocolate. Do some light exercises and you will feel better after you have accomplished your workout
  • fitnessfun70
    fitnessfun70 Posts: 2 Member
    Sometimes what I find is that the chocolate cravings can be curbed with a chocolate protein bar or chocolate protein shake. It is so clean (especially the shake) sometimes I add stevia to whey Isolate but Promasil is yummy with about a 1/4 cup of water and 1 scoop protein. Sometimes it ties me over-- I try to make it my first go-to.
    I hope that helps!
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    I have been doing this since October so I have had my period a few times. I have logged every day and made an effort to get some exercise every day... sometimes lighter than normal. My observation is that I have a spike in eating for a day or two. I don't worry about it much. I still have been losing 1 lb a week on average.

    Try to watch sodium intake. Drink water. If you don't feel up to exercise then don't but some movement might help you feel better. Eat a bit more than normal if you are hungry but don't go crazy. Log stuff so you can see what your pattern is. Have some dark chocolate.
  • Holygoddess
    Holygoddess Posts: 52 Member
    Most months I have cravings for unhealthy food a week before. When it hits I realize what actually happened, that it was hormone induced and not mental habit. Now that I'm watching what goes into my mouth much closer I'm sure it will be a struggle to stick to the grind. I also get very nasty to everyone around me during that time :( I hate that about myself.