How to maintain a healthy lifestyle when I return home?

I live away from home for the majority of the year and this has been really helpful to my weight loss cause I cook and weigh all my own meals and don't have binge foods in my house. However i'm going home for the summer so I know i'm going to be surround by amazing but unhealthy food and I'm dreading it. When I went home for Easter I gained two lbs and i'm concerned that it will happen again only worse because its for a longer period of time and I'm going to working full time so will be exhausted. I have tried to talking to my dad (he cooks all the delicious but naughty food) and he just laughed and said that was my responsibilty. Which is true. I'm thinking if I can't get him on board then I'm just going to have too continue to buy and cook my own food at home.

Just thought i'd share my predicament in the hope that a fresh pair of eyes might be able to find a solution that i've missed where I get to continue share food with my family without destroying my progress.


  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I'm thinking that a) you can try to incorporate healthy cooking in your household, by shopping and cooking with dad or b) if he doesn't want to budge you'll have to do it yourself.

    The only way my family eats healthy is if I shop, prepare and cook everything myself. I don't expect anyone else to do it. If that's the way I want us to eat I do it all. I understand you're not really a full grown adult yet but the best way to become one is to take responsibility for your health! Good luck!
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    If you do part of the cooking you can always add healthier side dishes to make up the bulk of your meal and then enjoy a smaller portion of the family main meal. You'll get to eat with your family and introduce them to new foods while still enjoying some of the family favourites as well.
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    I agree that you will need to buy and prepare your own food.

    It is not appropriate or reasonable to expect others to conform to your dietary limitations.

    In my home, I eat healthy and am calorie and nutrition conscious; my normal weight husband has a physical job, is picky and likes junk food; my normal weight daughter is picky and will eat healthy food, but a limited variety. It is not unusual for all 3 of us to be eating separate things for dinner, even though we are eating at the same time. I buy and prepare food for myself; my husband buys and prepares his food; and if my daughter won't eat what we are eating, she may have something simple and nutritious for her meal.

    We generally communicate about who's eating what for dinner, and there are nights that we all like and eat the same thing, or at least variations of the same meal. It sounds complicated, but it's much easier than living in conflict or (for me) risking gaining my weight back.
  • cheeringfortheenemy
    There are always snacks at my parents' house, too.

    One thing I did when I was working a lot and busy all the time was kept healthier snacks in the house and in my purse so that if I was really, really tempted to eat something terrible for me, I'd have an alternative. I'm a pretty unhealthy eater myself, and chips are a weakness of mine. To prevent myself from eating half a bag, I first found a baked version I liked better, and then put them into portion baggies so it was easier not to binge on them. I know, I know - baked chips aren't good, either. I'm just using an example.