I want to set salads on fire.



  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    I like throwing some smoked cheese on my salad or cooked vegetables. It adds the smoky, saltiness and I seem to control my portions better with cheese than with bacon.
  • foursirius
    foursirius Posts: 321 Member
    Make some protein powder peanut butter cups then wrap them up in bacon.

    Here's a link to a recipe: http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/anna-sward-chocolate-peanut-butter-cups.html

  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    ok, so I just thought of this, bacon slices into muffin tins, bake them off so they brown nicely, and hold the ring shape. Now, do not get rid of the fat, instead, pour an 80% chocolate right in there, take another muffin tin and put it on top, which will press the bottom of one tin into the top of the other, and displace the chocolate so it climbs up the sides of the bottom tin, making a cup.

    Chill, fill said cup with peanut butter mixed with powdered sugar to get the right texture, like the one you get from reeses. Top with chocolate, and then destroy at leisure.
  • glevinso
    glevinso Posts: 1,895 Member
    dbmata wrote: »
    ok, so I just thought of this, bacon slices into muffin tins, bake them off so they brown nicely, and hold the ring shape. Now, do not get rid of the fat, instead, pour an 80% chocolate right in there, take another muffin tin and put it on top, which will press the bottom of one tin into the top of the other, and displace the chocolate so it climbs up the sides of the bottom tin, making a cup.

    Chill, fill said cup with peanut butter mixed with powdered sugar to get the right texture, like the one you get from reeses. Top with chocolate, and then destroy at leisure.

    .... this.... this is..... beautiful... I have to try this.
  • HeySwoleSister
    HeySwoleSister Posts: 1,938 Member
    dbmata wrote: »
    ok, so I just thought of this, bacon slices into muffin tins, bake them off so they brown nicely, and hold the ring shape. Now, do not get rid of the fat, instead, pour an 80% chocolate right in there, take another muffin tin and put it on top, which will press the bottom of one tin into the top of the other, and displace the chocolate so it climbs up the sides of the bottom tin, making a cup.

    Chill, fill said cup with peanut butter mixed with powdered sugar to get the right texture, like the one you get from reeses. Top with chocolate, and then destroy at leisure.

    You, sir, are an evil genius.

    OP, put bacon on your salad. Or, you know, if you're just sick of salad, try some other new veg. Explore the grocery store produce section. Don't pass by stuff just because you've heard other people don't like it. Google popular recipes for oddball veg that you've never tried.
  • dawnmcneil10
    dawnmcneil10 Posts: 638 Member
    Cook up a chicken breast and top with PB and bacon bits and add to salad. I promise you will once again enjoy those veggies.

    Think outside the box, others have given some great ideas. I personally am making my way though trying all the veggies I didn't care for in the past. I discovered I still don't like raw radishes but sautee them with garlic onion and spinach and I'm in love.
  • SilverRose89
    SilverRose89 Posts: 447 Member
    I'm a great cook. I've done bajillions of vegetable sides, and I get creative in the kitchen every day. But, I have hit this place where the thought of eating one more vegetable makes me want to do a Hulk smash and I am craving really gross stuff, like peanut butter cups wrapped in bacon. Considered. It.

    What do you do when it gets to you

    I eat the damn peanut butter cups wrapped in bacon.

    As part of a balanced diet and all. And within a deficit or to maintenance if I'm really not feeling it that day. But I'd eat them all the same. Don't get into a place where you feel you have to deny yourself just to succeed, plenty of people on this site alone have proven that isn't the case time and time again.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I rarely have salads. I have a lot of meat and veggies however.
  • kamakazeekim
    kamakazeekim Posts: 1,183 Member
    I miss salads so much! My tummy just can't digest lettuce any more :(

    My husband and I are trying for a baby but I haven't been ovulating....my doctor told me to up my calories to 2000 a day and to eat bacon and McDonalds every day if I have to in order to up my calories so that I start ovulating LOL.
  • purebredpolly
    purebredpolly Posts: 318 Member
    Sorry I spamed you, didn't know it was spam to share a menu from a local restaurant. If I could have copied and pasted the recipes I would have. I guess I know better now. I hope it helped you anyway.
  • maria0104
    maria0104 Posts: 64 Member
    I think everyone feels like this. I choked down a pear because it was the only one I could stomach today for my 5 a day (and I am weird and like to make sure I have my fruit/veggies- thanks mum!)

    Have you thought about maybe making a vegetable sauce- googling 'hidden veg sauce' brings up tons that are often for kids. I've previously made a gorgeous roasted red pepper sauce that contained red pepper, onion and passatta before blending, added mushrooms and some peas (I like peas I know that ones strange) and there we go, lots of vegetables, minimal calories, and all polished off by a very happy me!.
  • misscaligreen
    misscaligreen Posts: 819 Member
    Vegetable stir fry!
  • coraborealis80
    coraborealis80 Posts: 53 Member
    dbmata wrote: »
    ok, so I just thought of this, bacon slices into muffin tins, bake them off so they brown nicely, and hold the ring shape. Now, do not get rid of the fat, instead, pour an 80% chocolate right in there, take another muffin tin and put it on top, which will press the bottom of one tin into the top of the other, and displace the chocolate so it climbs up the sides of the bottom tin, making a cup.

    Chill, fill said cup with peanut butter mixed with powdered sugar to get the right texture, like the one you get from reeses. Top with chocolate, and then destroy at leisure.

    I love this because it is so very wrong. I'll have to try it on one of my cheat days.
  • coraborealis80
    coraborealis80 Posts: 53 Member
    edited March 2015
    Roast up some sweet potatoes and parsnips alongside some other veggies. Oh and whole cloves of garlic. (Careful to figure out your oil.) Sooo good.

    Otherwise. Why not just... eat... some peanut butter cups, or bacon? Or is it more about boredom from veggies than never getting any treats?

    Boredom. I get two cheat days and I use them well. I have pbcups and bacon separately (I find the mixtures of bacon and pb not to my liking when I'm not being weird at 2am), but I'm running out of ideas for getting my veggie allotment in. I'm not horribly fond of the less starchy veggies to start with, and the starches are what my doctor wanted me to cut wayyyyyy back on (I was eating pasta and potatoes way too much).
  • coraborealis80
    coraborealis80 Posts: 53 Member
    tomatoey wrote: »
    I'm assuming you want to eat veggies for health reasons.

    Have cooked veg instead of salads - roasted, steamed, whatever, or hide them in soups or casseroles. Just chop up some green beans and throw them in your soup (even a canned soup, whatever).

    When I feel like getting fancy and chopping*, I like heartier salads like this:

    - shredded red cabbage, apple, and carrot with olive oil and balsamic vinegar (tons of antioxidants)

    - lentils, red onion, cherry tomatoes, roasted peppers or squash; olive oil & balsamic; garlic, feta or goat cheese optional - can throw quinoa in there if you want to get fancy.

    - I also like it just with lentils, red onion, tomatoes (and OO & balsamic). I just ate one with lentils, roasted zucchini, and avocado (and just OO and salt). To make stuff like that easier, you can roast up a bunch of red peppers or squash in advance, and toss them into salads or sandwiches.

    - spinach, walnut, and sliced pear; goat cheese optional

    *Also a food processor would prob help. I've been anti-chopping lately, too. Or I was, until I was gifted some amazing knives that are just as quick as a food processor :) (my kitchen is seriously old-school and basic)

    This is what I was looking for! Thank you. This gives me some ideas.

    I've made a bunch of greek yogurt dressings too. I agree, they are a way to satisfy without calorie overload.