Counting Calories

This is my first time counting calories to help me lose weight! This is my first week using myfitnesspal! I would love to read some real life successful weight lost stories. Lets lose weight together!

I am a short 5'0 and 137 lbs.
Overweight by BMI standards.
Carry most of my weight around my hips, buns, and thighs. (pear shape).
Im looking to slender down and get toned.


  • LittleJem01
    LittleJem01 Posts: 51 Member
    Hey, sounds like we're on a similar journey! I'm a pear-shaped 5'3 and started back on here three weeks ago weighing 135; this site's made me way more conscious of what I eat and simply through counting the cals and walking more I've dropped 8lb already. I've picked up a Fitbit to help keep myself on track and it's even inspired me to join a gym, something I wouldn't have dreamed of a couple months ago. I love the community side of the site too so feel free to add me as a friend if you like and we can help motivate each other :)
  • Stargazer525
    Stargazer525 Posts: 70 Member
    Hi! I'm 5'0, 133 lb and a pear shape too!! o:)