Nice tasting substitutes for sugar ?

Hey all! Was wondering if anyone could help with this ... I've realized I'm wasting a lot of Calories on sugar in my tea and coffee... I've tried going without but I can't bear it :( I've tried sweeteners in the past but they always taste funny and nowhere near sugar . Can anyone suggest a good alternative ? What do u think is the best tasting sweetener on the shelves right now? I'd be grateful for some ideas!! I live in USA so it would have to be something sold here. Thanking all you experts in advance ! Nikki


  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    IMO, there aren't any. Stevia is the latest and greatest, but I still don't think it tastes like actual sugar.
  • AmazonMayan
    AmazonMayan Posts: 1,168 Member
    Honestly I think all the subs have an odd taste. Maybe try slowly reducing the amount of sugar you use? Eventually you'll get used to a less sweet but still good coffee and tea
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Wean yourself off of it by moderation. I probably drink more water these days.
  • justacceptthisemail
    justacceptthisemail Posts: 13 Member
    How much sugar do you consume in your coffee and tea on a daily basis, and what are your goals?

    I think there is too much reticence and misinformation regarding the granulated white stuff. Small doses in moderation (even daily) shouldn't be a problem for most people who wish to lose weight.

    I have a coffee with cream and one tablespoon of sugar every morning. I'm actually enjoying one right now. Thing is, that's usually my limit of granulated sugar intake for the day. Other sugars come from fruits and some juices.

    I've been successfully slimming down - starting to notice more definition in the ab area. These relatively small indulgences of sugar haven't stemmed my weight loss goals. I also regularly do cardio and weights, so I'll have an extra cup of coffee (again, with cream and sugar) directly before the workout.

    Sugar can be an asset or an indulgence. The key here is moderation. Perhaps that is what will help you more, rather than looking for a substitute?

    I'd stay away from artificial sweeteners altogether. Those are just plain poison.

  • MoiAussi93
    MoiAussi93 Posts: 1,948 Member
    I think Stevia tastes really good. There are many different kinds, but I get the powdered one at Trader Joe's. You just need a little, and no strange artificial taste. I just use it a couple times a week though...I have gradually gotten used to liking things less sweet, even black coffee.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,135 Member
    edited March 2015
    I haven't found an artificial sweetener that I liked/could tolerate, so I stick with sugar. You can always play with how much you use and cut back to an amount that is less caloric but still gives you a good flavor in your coffee.
  • Chococatte
    Chococatte Posts: 15 Member
    Good morning Nikki! I use beet and date sugar. I also enjoy the taste of brown rice syrup. Yummy! If you do love the taste of dates I like to soak them in purified water for my recipes (they add great flavor to smoothies) and the excess liquid I use in my teas instead of discarding it. I hope these alternatives help. Try them and let me know which ones you prefer. Cheers! :)
  • MoiAussi93
    MoiAussi93 Posts: 1,948 Member
    Chococatte wrote: »
    Good morning Nikki! I use beet and date sugar. I also enjoy the taste of brown rice syrup. Yummy! If you do love the taste of dates I like to soak them in purified water for my recipes (they add great flavor to smoothies) and the excess liquid I use in my teas instead of discarding it. I hope these alternatives help. Try them and let me know which ones you prefer. Cheers! :)
    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I am guessing those things have similar calories to white table sugar. Is this not the case?

  • njlindly
    njlindly Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks everyone for your responses!! I've heard bad things about sweetness but I've gotten sick of watching my precious calorie count go down due to sugar I usually have two sugars in coffee and tea and always end up going over my sugar level ! After giving your responses some thought I'm going to cut down to one from now on and see if I can get down to half over time. I've given up so much for this dirt change but I'm still clinging onto sugar in my drinks! Thanks again and continued good luck to u all :)
  • hollyrayburn
    hollyrayburn Posts: 905 Member
    njlindly wrote: »
    Hey all! Was wondering if anyone could help with this ... I've realized I'm wasting a lot of Calories on sugar in my tea and coffee... I've tried going without but I can't bear it :( I've tried sweeteners in the past but they always taste funny and nowhere near sugar . Can anyone suggest a good alternative ? What do u think is the best tasting sweetener on the shelves right now? I'd be grateful for some ideas!! I live in USA so it would have to be something sold here. Thanking all you experts in advance ! Nikki

    My alternative to sugar is an extra spoonful of sugar. ;)

    If you're not diabetic, don't be overly concerned with your sugar.
  • futuremanda
    futuremanda Posts: 816 Member
    I used to be a 2 tsps sort of person and now I take my coffee black*. I did it by weaning.

    *That said, I have found that I have to train my palette on every KIND of coffee. Meaning, the coffee I buy, I now prefer unsweetened. But if I get one from Starbucks, because it's different, my palette is not happy if it's unsweetened. This would probably change if I persisted with it, but I rarely go, so when I do, I just get something really fun.

    Secondly, I switched years ago to lattes made at home. So technically, I have foamed milk, which has a bit of its own sweetness (though I don't taste it as sweet), and lots of body. Plus nutrition. I work the cals into my breakfast, just like if I were having the milk on cereal or in a glass.

    (I DID teach myself to drink unsweetened espresso from my machine. But even after a month, I was still not really *enjoying* it, so I went back to latte. I only have one, so why not.)
  • MsOpus
    MsOpus Posts: 99 Member
    I used to always sweeten my coffee. Until I discovered REALLY GOOD coffee that didn't need sweetener. Bought mine straight from the plantation. Don't know what I'll do when that runs out.
  • myfatass78
    myfatass78 Posts: 411 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    IMO, there aren't any. Stevia is the latest and greatest, but I still don't think it tastes like actual sugar.

    Artificial sweetners can taste bitter or odd to some people and sweet and lovely to others. Diet Coke is a good example of this. Stevia tastes like crap to me personally but my housemate loves it.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Artificial sweeteners were an acquired taste for me, but I actually prefer them now. I use Sweet n Low. In my experience, Trivia tastes the most like real sugar.
  • woahlottainfo
    woahlottainfo Posts: 7 Member
    I've never tried them but I've heard of things like Monk fruit sweetener, coconut sugar, using fruits as syrups and stuff.
    What about dates... omgosh I love date caramel!!! yummy.
    what about maple syrup or vanilla beans instead? and I saw someone say brown rice syrup. I can also say it's yummy!!! What about 100% pure cane sugar?
  • Vermilliana
    Vermilliana Posts: 42 Member
    Most subs are chemical and nasty and do worse things to your system than sugar does. You can go the stevia route which, in my opinion, is just gross. It does horrid stuff to my belly, but again, thats me. I think it comes down to finding the Right sugar. Our bodys process different sugars in different ways..white processed sugar being the harshest that drives your blood sugar into orbit, hence the reason its declared as the White Devil. Alternatives like coconut sugar, raw sugar, turbino sugar, date sugar, raw honey, molasses etc. that have not been bleached and stripped of trace minerals and all the things that make it easier for our bodies to process don't cause quite the same spike and so, in theory, will not contribute to excess insulin production which can lead to weight gain/retention. Some of them taste a lot better than white as well so you end up not using as much. Really, though, its all sugar and should be consumed in moderation just like anything else. Just cut back slowly to avoid deprivation stress and eventually you may not even miss it. Also, I personally found that drinking unsweetened herbal teas (especially ones for cleansing/detoxing. Tetleys "Cleanse" is a great one) helped me, personally, to drop it. I used to be a complete sugar junkie, and now I don't crave it at all and I get ill if I have too much.
  • myfatass78
    myfatass78 Posts: 411 Member
    Most subs are chemical and nasty and do worse things to your system than sugar does. You can go the stevia route which, in my opinion, is just gross. It does horrid stuff to my belly, but again, thats me. I think it comes down to finding the Right sugar. Our bodys process different sugars in different ways..white processed sugar being the harshest that drives your blood sugar into orbit, hence the reason its declared as the White Devil. Alternatives like coconut sugar, raw sugar, turbino sugar, date sugar, raw honey, molasses etc. that have not been bleached and stripped of trace minerals and all the things that make it easier for our bodies to process don't cause quite the same spike and so, in theory, will not contribute to excess insulin production which can lead to weight gain/retention. Some of them taste a lot better than white as well so you end up not using as much. Really, though, its all sugar and should be consumed in moderation just like anything else. Just cut back slowly to avoid deprivation stress and eventually you may not even miss it. Also, I personally found that drinking unsweetened herbal teas (especially ones for cleansing/detoxing. Tetleys "Cleanse" is a great one) helped me, personally, to drop it. I used to be a complete sugar junkie, and now I don't crave it at all and I get ill if I have too much.

    I was a full on sugar junkie as well but just trained myself to crave Bananas or Dates instead. Still sugar but at least it has some nutritional value. I do still love Chocolate and Icecream. In over 60 days, I hadn't had a real icecream until last night. Weird though was that it wast just okay instead of awesome.
  • socioseguro
    socioseguro Posts: 1,679 Member
    weaning slowly worked for me. It took me 16 months to decrease from 6 teaspoons to zero. I am free now.
    Good luck in your healthy journey
  • janson01
    janson01 Posts: 8 Member
    I've found tge torani flavored sugar free syrup are okay in drinks and dont really taste too artificial
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    Stevia as a powder is easy to get too much of, but try the drops.
    They even come in flavors.
    I got some from a local "health food" store, and have in the past bought them from Whole Foods (before they came out as anti-military and anti-civil-rights).