Super Shred Diet - Not Losing

I know that fad diets are never the answer to losing weight, but I decided to try the Super Shred Diet after over a year of weight struggles. I was usually between 160-170 pounds in college but had some issues with an eating disorder, injury that prevented me from working out for 3 months, and a new job that have all caused me to go up to around 190 just in the past year and a half. It seems like I have been stuck at this weight since last February.

I'm on Week 3 Day 6 of Super Shred and started at 188 pounds. I weighed myself this morning and was 187 (was 186 last week). So basically I have lost almost nothing on this diet- I have been following it somewhat closely but admit I've not been as strict since the calorie intake seems so low. I'm also about to start my period within the next few days so I'm not sure if that's contributing. My question is whether I should go ahead and finish out the 4 week diet and adhere more strictly to the guidelines, or should I just accept it's not really working for me and try something else?

Thanks. Would appreciate any input at all. I log food using LoseIt which is why my diary isn't available on here.


  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,564 Member
    Yes, your period will cause water retention that can mask weight loss. As long as you're in a calorie deficit and accurately weighing/measuring/logging your food, you should be good.
  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    It really depends upon how many calories you are eating and burning. Are you regularly exercising? Are you throwing 400 calories' worth of salad dressing on your shreds twice a day? If you are eating less calories than you burn, you should be losing. If not, carefully weigh everything that you eat and exercise more.
  • cookiecat91
    cookiecat91 Posts: 20 Member
    It really depends upon how many calories you are eating and burning. Are you regularly exercising? Are you throwing 400 calories' worth of salad dressing on your shreds twice a day? If you are eating less calories than you burn, you should be losing. If not, carefully weigh everything that you eat and exercise more.

    Part of the plan is to exercise 40-50 minutes 6 days a week and yes, I've been sticking to that! And no, I usually don't put any dressing at all and if I do, I measure it. I wonder if all the random bites of food are adding up but even so, I'm eating at no more than 1200 net a day so I really don't know how much it could really be. Guess I'll finish out the plan
  • flab2fab2015
    flab2fab2015 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm on Day 5 W1 of SS and I'm down 6lbs already AND this is my bloat week premenstrual! I workout with a trainer in the morning and follow the shred to a T. I had an extra protein shake immediately after my workout and that seems to be doing the trick.
  • flab2fab2015
    flab2fab2015 Posts: 4 Member
    You have to follow the plan as written and eat what it says when it says.
  • GreenIceFloes
    GreenIceFloes Posts: 1,491 Member
    edited March 2015
    Just eat at a reasonable calorie deficit and be accurate with your measuring/weighing and logging while hitting your macros and micros. Simple as that. No need to follow any specific diets unless you have a health problem, and fad diets are pretty useless (sometimes harmful) and short-term.

    ETA: Yes, water retention before your period could definitely account for temporary 'weight' gain.
  • SergeantSausage
    SergeantSausage Posts: 1,673 Member
    I know that fad diets are never the answer to losing weight, but I decided to try the Super Shred Diet after over a year of weight struggles. I was usually between 160-170 pounds in college but had some issues with an eating disorder, injury that prevented me from working out for 3 months, and a new job that have all caused me to go up to around 190 just in the past year and a half. It seems like I have been stuck at this weight since last February.

    I'm on Week 3 Day 6 of Super Shred and started at 188 pounds. I weighed myself this morning and was 187 (was 186 last week). So basically I have lost almost nothing on this diet- I have been following it somewhat closely but admit I've not been as strict since the calorie intake seems so low. I'm also about to start my period within the next few days so I'm not sure if that's contributing. My question is whether I should go ahead and finish out the 4 week diet and adhere more strictly to the guidelines, or should I just accept it's not really working for me and try something else?

    Thanks. Would appreciate any input at all. I log food using LoseIt which is why my diary isn't available on here.


  • K3rB3ar89
    K3rB3ar89 Posts: 263 Member
    Would you like to talk about it? I been eating 1200-1700 calories a day for like 17 days or so now and I gained weight it wasn't actually until today that I went up abs down 1 pound which was like 5 pounds of what I believe to be water weight so I'm really wondering how much water you can actually retain at one time and how much water im STILL holding 250 was my start weight and today I made 249 after all that work! Oh I should mention I have a fit bit as on a good gym day I burn alittle over 3000 calories so it didn't make sense as too why I wasn't losing but i think I was and im holding tons of water! Don't get discouraged when you finally see it bi matter how big or small it helps motivate again!
  • JenMaselli
    JenMaselli Posts: 83 Member
    You're already on MFP. My advice is to use it for what it's meant for - track your calories at a reasonable deficit. You will lose weight. The end. It really doesn't matter what you eat as long as you're hitting your target calories.

    I never weigh right before or during my period - it's going to be higher than normal so I don't bother. Good luck!
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    I don't understand if you have a history of eating disorders why would to want to do this to lose weight.

    "Eating disorder" doesn't necessarily translate to "anorexia".
  • D_squareG
    D_squareG Posts: 361 Member

    Part of the plan is to exercise 40-50 minutes 6 days a week and yes, I've been sticking to that! And no, I usually don't put any dressing at all and if I do, I measure it. I wonder if all the random bites of food are adding up but even so, I'm eating at no more than 1200 net a day so I really don't know how much it could really be. Guess I'll finish out the plan

    If you aren't logging all the random bites, you are eating more than you think.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    If you commit to a "diet" and the "diet" is for XXX number of days and XXX meals/calories / and /etc. etc.. and you do not follow it to a tee, how in the world do you know it really does not or will not work?

    Don't "diet" or follow restrictions!!!! Move on and just eat less food.

  • donjtomasco
    donjtomasco Posts: 790 Member
    Warning to all newbies: Do not say you can't or have not lost weight if you are not accurately counting what you are consuming and what calories you are burning. You will not get a lot of sympathy in any of these groups. Unless you have a medical disorder losing weight is pretty much simple math. Not easy math, just simple. If more goes out then goes in, you will lose weight.