I am excersise going accounting my calories / no weight lost

Please help. I am eating 1200 calories a day. Mainly veggies and proteins. I will have sweet potatoe once a day maybe and some whole grain toast for breakfast. Burning about 350 calories doing strength training with cardio. And it has been a month and I have not lose an ounce. Any ideas why?


  • Harold76
    Harold76 Posts: 341 Member
    Are you positive you're measuring everything correctly? Do you know your TDEE? How much strength training are you doing? Are you just weighing yourself, or are you taking body measurements as well?
  • LetterboxingMoose
    LetterboxingMoose Posts: 18 Member
    It can be very frustrating when you don't see the results on the scale you are expecting to see. Sometimes when we do weight training we gain muscle, which is good, but muscle weighs more than fat. You will see inches disappear, look more toned, and help rev up your metabolism by gaining muscle. However, you may not see the weight loss you are expecting on the scale right away. It might be as simple as that.

    When I first started I would forget the little things, like the cooking oil I used when preparing food or the condiments I added. Make sure you are measuring and recording everything that you eat including BLTs (bites, licks and tastes) they add up quickly. Double check that the food you are recording has the correct information. Every time I add a new food, I check the accuracy with the packaging I have. Packaging differs in different areas and this site is used by people all over the world.

    I don't know what your settings are, but check to make sure you are eating enough calories. My calorie goal is 1,200 a day too, but I rarely eat just 1,200 calories. (By rarely, I mean once in the last month.) I don't eat all my exercise calories back, but I always eat some of them. I am eating lean meats, fresh fruits and vegetables, low fat dairy, whole grains and very few processed foods. I personally find it impossible to have 3 balanced meals with one or two small snacks a day with only 1,200 calories. I do exercise every day to give myself extra calories to use. I'm losing about a pound a week. Don't give up!

  • polkadont
    polkadont Posts: 12 Member
    All I can recommend is to weigh all of your food. I've recently bought a scale and discovered I was way underestimating my fruits! My daily grapefruit and pear were almost off by 100g. That makes a huge difference. Losing weight is hard, it takes time and patience, don't give up
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    Stats (age/height/weight/goal weight)? Are you eating your exercise calories back? And can you open your diary?
  • mokaiba
    mokaiba Posts: 141 Member
    edited March 2015
    probably not eating enough calories.


    I made some assumptions based on the data you did make available.

    you want to lose 45 pounds, so I assumed you were short (5'4"), which would make a normal BMI 24 for you. So, I also assumed you are around 185lbs. You listed your age as 40 on the profile.

    Assuming the above data is close to being correct and that you exercise 3x a week:

    weight I entered was 150lbs ->

    BMR: 1337 calories
    TDEE: 1838 calories

    Using reckless 25%, you should eat 1379 calories a day.

    Those 1379 calories should be comprised of:

    150g protein <-- never lower protein.
    60g fat <-- never lower fat.
    60g carbs <---only lower carbs if no weight loss is seen after two weeks by 4g
    25g fiber <--lower to 20g if you have bowel issues from the 25g

    By eating less than your bmr, you are confusing your body, which is causing it to maintain the weight.

  • cosmo_momo
    cosmo_momo Posts: 173 Member
    edited March 2015
    Get a food scale and weigh everything (Mine is digital and was $15 at walmart). Use this website to accurately determine calorie content: http://ndb.nal.usda.gov/ndb/foods

    Not everything is listed correctly in MFP. These are the things I did and I've already lost weight because I was eating more than I thought. I even had to up my calorie setting because my perception was so skewed.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    mokaiba wrote: »
    probably not eating enough calories.


    I made some assumptions based on the data you did make available.

    you want to lose 45 pounds, so I assumed you were short (5'4"), which would make a normal BMI 24 for you. So, I also assumed you are around 185lbs. You listed your age as 40 on the profile.

    Assuming the above data is close to being correct and that you exercise 3x a week:

    weight I entered was 150lbs ->

    BMR: 1337 calories
    TDEE: 1838 calories

    Using reckless 25%, you should eat 1379 calories a day.

    Those 1379 calories should be comprised of:

    150g protein <-- never lower protein.
    60g fat <-- never lower fat.
    60g carbs <---only lower carbs if no weight loss is seen after two weeks by 4g
    25g fiber <--lower to 20g if you have bowel issues from the 25g

    By eating less than your bmr, you are confusing your body, which is causing it to maintain the weight.

    That's not how it works. You lose weight when you eat less than you burn. Your body doesn't get "confused."
  • mokaiba
    mokaiba Posts: 141 Member
    maidentl wrote: »
    mokaiba wrote: »

    That's not how it works. You lose weight when you eat less than you burn. Your body doesn't get "confused."

    was using simple terms, if you want me to go all scientific on the biological processes of it I can.

  • pollypocket1021
    pollypocket1021 Posts: 533 Member
    mokaiba wrote: »
    maidentl wrote: »
    mokaiba wrote: »

    That's not how it works. You lose weight when you eat less than you burn. Your body doesn't get "confused."

    was using simple terms, if you want me to go all scientific on the biological processes of it I can.

    Please. Explain how the fat cells become sentient and then defy thermodynamics.
  • StrugglingtoMove
    StrugglingtoMove Posts: 73 Member
    smmelgar wrote: »
    Please help. I am eating 1200 calories a day. Mainly veggies and proteins. I will have sweet potatoe once a day maybe and some whole grain toast for breakfast. Burning about 350 calories doing strength training with cardio. And it has been a month and I have not lose an ounce. Any ideas why?

    If your weighing your food portions so you positive on calories a day. Measure your body parts and keep track that way. Perhaps your losing inches. Do you feel it in your clothes?