Any night shifters?



  • GM205
    GM205 Posts: 10 Member
    Nurse with rotating schedule! I work some nights.

    I work rotating 12 hour shifts in a call centre and since I've started I've put on all of the 23lb I lost in my last job (days only, on my feet all day, no time to eat then). I track midnight to midnight but find some days I'm "awake" 18-19 hrs so it's hard to stay in my cals. I'm always really hungry on nights and crave sugar from lack of sleep!
  • cvandenbraak
    cvandenbraak Posts: 7 Member
    A lot of water, Quest bars and new WW Oatmeal is filling.
  • melbelair
    melbelair Posts: 6 Member
    My schedule is a mess of days and nights with no set pattern. I'm a nurse in on a mental health unit and do a lot of sitting on nights. I always log midnight to midnight. I pack a ridiculous amount of veggies and log everything I packed before I go in to work so I know what I have left for calories if I get extra snacky (random nights are brutal for my appetite. ) I've also started doing beach body videos in the lounge on my breaks or jogging outside if I can find a partner and the weather is nice. I find the exercise makes a huge difference. Wakes you up and burns calories.
  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,159 Member
    7P-7A night shift nurse here. I work in a busy delivery room, so it's hard to do anything on a schedule. I log everything, food and steps, midnight to midnight. I changed my diary settings here to 12A-6A. 6A-12P etc etc. Makes it easier to record rather than trying to figure out what exactly is breakfast. Before work, I eat a real dinner. Breaks are never guaranteed here. I stopped eating the hospital food (mostly because they close at 9P - apparently we don't need to eat at night) and avoid Starbucks 99.9% of the time (open 24/7 in the lobby) for it's prices and not so nutritious offerings. (not all bad and it's easy to find the info, so I give them credit for that.

    I bring apple slices and PB which I eat before midnight. I also bring, but don't usually eat all of it - Laughing cow cheese, Greek yogurt, hardboiled eggs, a few ounces of fruit with light chocolate syrup on it, and what I call my "stress chocolate" (keeps my coworkers alive when they torture my soul). Ocassionally I will order out when the group does it, but not usually a meal, I had wonton soup the other night. There's a bakery nearby that makes and delivers fresh cookies between 10P-3A and I'll do ONE chocolate chunk cookie about every other time we order (it's been a couple of months since I did this). I find lots of choices work for me and make me want less food.
  • lindaloo1213
    lindaloo1213 Posts: 283 Member
    edited March 2015
    I work 5 nights a week, 9pm-6am. I take about a 40 minute nap when I get home and then get up to take my daughter to school. (my husband works from 7am - 5 or 6pm so he's not much help in getting me any sleep) I go to the gym after I drop her off and my almost 2 year old goes to the gym daycare while I work out. We go home have lunch and I clean or play with him until we nap for about an hour or so and then pick up my older from school. Make dinner, clean up bath the kids and head of to work again. So I dont get much sleep. I log food from after my morning nap until the following 6am. I work very hard to make sure I plan my food for work so I dont raid the vending machines. Lots of fresh/frozen fruit, oatmeal, yogurt and salads. I can get a lot of food prep done between the gym and nap time. I just have to make this work, bad enough I dont sleep, being morbidly obese on top of it is just not an option.
  • salocowen
    salocowen Posts: 4 Member
    I am a Sleep Technologist. I usually work 9p-7a. I log midnight to midnight, which works fine most days, except my first day/night off when I have more awake (eating) time.

    On work nights, I usually eat "breakfast" about 5p. Then "lunch" at about midnight. I'm usually hungry before then but make myself wait so I can log on the next day. My lunch is usually a frozen dinner or leftovers. I usually take a cheese stick, yogurt, and a piece of fruit to snack on. I'm hungry again by the time I get home so I usually have a bowl of cereal, (another "breakfast") then go to bed.

    I've struggled with labeling my meals as "breakfast," "lunch," or "dinner." Nothing seems right.

    I haven't been working out, but ideally I would work out before work. Exercise before bed wakes me up too much.
  • xeno8604
    xeno8604 Posts: 193 Member
    I work from 7PM to 6AM and I do my work outs before work at around 3 to 4pm, shower, eat then head to work. I also use the gym we have located here where I work, and since I get an hour lunch I can easily knock a 30 minute work out.

    I just started going on runs right after work, I am prepping for a half marathon run.

    Some of advice I can give is plan and prep your workouts and meals, this way you get the most and can save alot on time. I used to, and I need to do this again, cook 4-5 meals at once on the day off prior to going to work (what is considered my Sunday), that way I can just grab and go, focusing more on me time, chores, errands, and work outs.

    My food diary is a little wonky with labeling but for the most part it works for me.

    Hope this helps, if any.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I track midnight to midnight. I don't stress over food labels or having food types at proper times. I want pizza for my first meal of the day, i.e. what some would consider breakfast, or bacon and eggs for my last meal, then I do. I focus on hitting my calorie and macro goals.

    Since I work in IT, it's a pretty sedentary job. I try to get in at minimum of 5 miles walking on days I don't workout. I'll take the stairs, use the bathroom on the 1st floor even though I work on the 3rd. I keep a small water bottle to drink from and get up to refill from the water cooler, park far away from the building I work at, anything to add up the steps and mileage. The days I do workout at the gym, I usually just come into work already wearing my gym attire. The nice thing about my workplace is that there isn't really a strict dress code. This allows me to get off work in the AM and head straight to the gym.
  • peacefrog08109
    peacefrog08109 Posts: 44 Member
    I work 7p-7a 3 nights a week and was doing the midnight to midnight as well. I found I was having trouble with keeping a healthy day to day calorie count when switching back to normal. I just changed my meal times to a 6am -6am to see if that helps. It's a little annoying to have to back up a day when logging after midnight but hopefully it will be a more accurate account of how I actually eat.