Went through a horrible break up, got completely off track with life in general, but...

I've lost almost 15 pounds in the last month. I don't feel great about it, because it was weight lost due to my almost complete inability to eat for two weeks. My appetite is still pretty shot, but I suppose its better than binge eating junk food? I haven't had a problem drinking as much as eating so I've been having smoothies and drinking lots of water (and alcohol... ahem.)

I guess I just need to get back on track, but I'm having a hard time being motivated to keep track. I feel like I've lost this 15 pounds and I'm not even happy about it. On the plus side I have, in the last few weeks since I've been eating SOME food, really been a bit of a gym rat. I'm taking step, zumba, and kickboxing classes to keep my mind occupied.

I just feel unmotivated, like I'm going through the motions and I appreciate the distraction of the rest of my life but my heart isn't in it so tracking foods is a lot harder.


  • scaryg53
    scaryg53 Posts: 268 Member
    I couldn't eat for weeks after I got dumped. Eventually, I was able to get it together and started tracking and logging and taking control and it helped a lot. You'll be okay once your wounds heal a little and I wish you the best of luck.
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    the gym is wonderful for stress. I know when I got divorced the gym was a lifesaver. Give yourself time, you have been thru a stressful situation. Take care of yourself and remind yourself of that often.
  • keeponlaughing
    keeponlaughing Posts: 41 Member
    Maybe this is a tad b$%@hy but nothing feels better after a bad breakup then coming out of the other side showing them how amazing you look! 15 pounds is fabulous! ! Give yourself some credit. You sound like you are starting to get your mono back so keep up the good work and cut yourself a break. You are worth it.
  • Cortneyrenee04
    Cortneyrenee04 Posts: 1,117 Member
    I've been going through the same thing. In January I lost 10 pounds from break up stress and I'm not proud of it at all. That's not how I want to do this.

    My appetite is back for the most part but not completely. I'm mostly going through the motions, too... I think it just takes time to feel like ourselves again.

    I hope you're feeling better and know that you can make it through :)
  • 50452
    50452 Posts: 170 Member
    Yeah, my friends and I call that the Divorce Diet. It's like the only time you ever actually forget to eat.

    Keep going to the gym. Catch as many stand-up comedian shows as you can. Paint the house. Do whatever you can to keep busy until it passes. Get out as much as possible.

    It will pass.