40 something and hoping to improve myself



  • nauner
    nauner Posts: 15 Member
    Howdy, I made it to the 40s almost 2 years ago. I and i figured I needed to finally do something. So 40 something is the place to be I guess. Hoping to shed 50 as the first goal, I was 20 pounds into this goal before life changes and stress eatting brought me back to my starting weight. Stress has reduced greatly so no more excuses, plus I have been as high as 270 before and once I hit the 250 mark I did not want it to head in that direction again. 200 is my first large goal, smaller goal is to get back to 230 (where I was at before I started the unbearable stress). From there every 10 pounds will be my smaller goals. Currently not working out, doing dieting alone. I plan on starting to work out next week when my work schedule stabilizes greatly.
  • WhaddoWino
    WhaddoWino Posts: 146 Member
    I will be 43 next month. At the start of the year I felt like I had come to a fork in the road where I could either get as fit as possible or allow myself to get soft and saggy.

    I picked the road less traveled by: I started MFP in January and jump-started my fitness with Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred. I was planning to do Insanity after that but I didn't like the high-impact moves involved. (I have a whiny ankle.) I can HIGHLY recommend FitnessBlender.com as the workouts are extremely straightforward and incredibly effective. You can pick and choose the type of workout and level of difficulty. With FitnessBlender, I really strengthened my lower body and core like never before.

    At present, I am running 3x per week and I hired a trainer for six weeks to teach me proper technique with heavy lifting. I am loving the lifting and have seen a great increase in strength and tone. I still have several pounds I would like to lose but I no longer watch the scale. Instead, I'm watching the time on my 5K run go down and the KG on my barbell go up!

    Congratulations on your decision. You CAN do this and I am happy to be a friend to support you as you continue. Let's make our 40's as fit and fabulous as possible!
  • Another 40 something - still don't feel like it inside but my body sure does! Been here off and on for a couple of years - been extremely busy trying to find the time for me to work on me... seems so selfish... just realized I need to think differently and think "I need to be around longer for my family and I won't do this by putting myself at risk for all these diseases that come from obesity!" I have been working on a new plan and starting to work a few things out on paper and computer... getting ready for making some serious changes. Good luck on your journey - I am encouraged by my friends on here, and glad to see so many 40somethings making positive changes in their lives. No way I can do P 90 X or insanity yet - but maybe in a couple of months!!! Think I might look for a workout buddy here locally... might help if that's all we're doing.
  • Brie4me
    Brie4me Posts: 238
    Whaddawino ~ I love your name :drinker:

    OP ~ I'm 47 and also finding it much more difficult to lose in the belly area than ever before! But, we'll get there!!
  • Wildflowers70
    Wildflowers70 Posts: 72 Member
    It is time for me to wake this sleeping introduction and reintroduce myself, In 2013, with the help of MFP and the motivation of several people in this thread, I managed to succesfully go from 188lbs to 163. I also managed to strenthen and rehabilitate my knee- Yay! I was doing great for a couple years exercising and watching my portion sizes which led to me staying about that weight. However, I then went on an extended road trip and made no plans to take exercise or eating goals along for the ride. Those naughty weeks were enough to form "new old habits". I quit logging in and naturally the friends I made moved on while my pounds piled on.

    So here I am again! Any other forty somethings trying to get healthy and stay committed to to exercise and proper portioning? If so, feel free to add me as a friend. I AM committed this time. I will cheer you on and be a good friend.
    Thanks for listening.
  • Rick_1953
    Rick_1953 Posts: 596 Member
    Chicabear1 wrote: »
    Just another 40 something here...
    I've been at this since January 25th. That's the day that changed my life. I was weighing in at 214 lbs. My friend told me about MFP and has been coaching me all these months. I've been learning about understanding food labels, portions, etc. My exercise habits coupled with MFP have helped me tremendously! I've lost 36 pounds so far! I feel wonderful. My clothes fit a bit baggy now. I can't begin to tell you how different I feel. I'm healthier and happier then I've ever been! Hard work really pays off if you want it bad enough! Wow!

    Fantastic job Chicabear1
  • WildAngelJoy
    WildAngelJoy Posts: 140 Member
    Okay well I'm beyond 40 but know MFP works as I lost weight in 2012 and kept it off only to gain it back due to a medication I had to take. Due to health issues and fibromyalgia, I can't do the intense workouts like Insanity (wish I could) but I've done well with walking and exercise DVDs (I especially love dance). I love to have fun but take this healthy lifestyle change seriously and can be a very motivational friend. Feel free to add me :) Blessings to all!!