females and "aunt flow".

im sure every woman on this app gets their "monthly visitor" .. do you find it easy to workout while having it?? mine is very heavy and im usually sick for 2-3 days and dont workout for about 3-4 days, then icant eat for about 3 days because of it (cant keep anything down) .. how do you handle it??.


  • mumblemagic
    mumblemagic Posts: 1,090 Member
    Go to the doctor. You shouldn't have to suffer. There are pills you can take (not just The Pill) that can ease these symptoms.

    For me, I have an IUD so my periods are pretty light and don't bother me for exercise. I do retain water more in the few days leading up to it and crave chocolate.
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    Yes talk to your doctor. Aunt Flo is a nuisance but should not put you out of commission like that#