Binge eating once a week



  • DerekVTX
    DerekVTX Posts: 287 Member
    Way to go people, telling this lady she needs to gain weight. Maybe stick to answering the question. 110 lbs may be ideal for her body. Why is it okay to tell people that they are too underweight but not okay to tell people that they are overweight?
  • emdeesea
    emdeesea Posts: 1,823 Member
    DerekVTX wrote: »
    Way to go people, telling this lady she needs to gain weight. Maybe stick to answering the question. 110 lbs may be ideal for her body. Why is it okay to tell people that they are too underweight but not okay to tell people that they are overweight?

    Because 110 ISN'T ideal for her body??

    The White Knight thing is cute but misplaced. Her stats are 5'5", 109. BMI 18.1 = underweight.

  • DerekVTX wrote: »
    Way to go people, telling this lady she needs to gain weight. Maybe stick to answering the question. 110 lbs may be ideal for her body. Why is it okay to tell people that they are too underweight but not okay to tell people that they are overweight?

    As much as I appreciate you sticking up for her and people who are naturally underweight, her natural set point is clearly not at 110 pounds. If her body is underfed and needing to binge but she's more focused on calories than her hunger/fullness, it's not health. She needs to listen to her needs and focus on taking care of herself rather than continuing to eat less than what her body needs.
    OP: I would start adding little things here and there throughout your day. Your body is needing more calories right now, and that's okay. Eating more during the week will help you cut down on that need to binge.
  • DerekVTX
    DerekVTX Posts: 287 Member
    My point is why is it okay to tell people they are underweight but not okay to tell people they are overweight. Either way the result can be unwanted comments on ones body type. I'm not trying to be a "White Knight", but fact of the matter is some of these comments are quite rude. My wife heard this all of her life at 5'6 and 100 to 110 lbs and she eats like a horse (Lots of junk food too). After two kids she weighs 120 now, she just has a very small frame. And by the way at 100 lbs she was very athletic with a 6 pack.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    It is okay to tell people when their actions are unhealthy. This OP doesn't eat like a horse and reports binging ... her BMI is in the underweight category ... she nets dangerously low caloric totals ... so basically all anecdotes about your wife are irrelevant.
  • KAS041479
    KAS041479 Posts: 6 Member
    DerekVTX, let me address a few things you mentioned, in the hope we can keep having a good discussion on this thread.

    If you're upset by my posts, please know my intention was never to be rude, nor to go off topic. I am new to this site and to losing weight a healthy way, but I am not new to binge eating, being overweight, and being underweight, nor am I new to eating disorders. I know off-handed comments about weight, even with good intentions, can stick with you for days and days.

    I'd hoped my comments were as supportive and encouraging as could be, offering personal insight and different ideas and options, but also cautioning the OP to gut-check what I'm saying and to consult a professional b/c I am still gaining experience with healthy and safe ways to lose weight. One of the other posters even pointed out a better option to get healthy weight calculations and I admitted I was incorrect in reading the online calculator. I hope I didn't cause the OP any panic or distress! As I said, I don't know the OP's BMI, her bone density, her activity level. I do know that being 109lbs at 5'5" is pretty thin, even if it is near the safe zone of 111lbs. Seeing her worry about binging and about gaining weight really struck a chord with me. Telling her she's underweight and it could affect her metabolism negatively in the long run was my attempt to both tell her the truth and to make her feel "comfortable" with allowing herself to eat more, and exercise not to lose weight but to gain strength. She could safely put on another 40lbs and still be just as beautiful as she is in her icon today. But sometimes it's really hard to allow yourself to believe it is okay to eat more; sometimes you've got this voice inside you telling you that you've got to get thinner, be smaller, take up less space--and that's a voice that needs to be silenced with permission to eat.

    I say all this not so much as to defend my position as to try and better communicate my intentions with my posts--I promise you, I don't agree with body shaming and if I made anyone feel bad by using words like "underweight" or "survival-mode" and whatnot, I am really sorry, I didn't mean to trigger. Everyone is unique, everyone's body is unique--all we can do is reply with universal guidelines based on the limited information we are given, and support each other.

    But I do thank you for raising awareness; it is important that we not make generalizations without all the facts and that we be sensitive when talking about people's weight, whether over or under. I will sincerely work harder on that.

    Peace to all.
  • debbieedson
    debbieedson Posts: 46 Member
    Thankyou to all your replies I'm going to try eating adding more calories and the binge was yesterday I didn't log it in I changed what I did log in has wasn't planned I no eating Chinese isn't what some class has binging but it's feeling I get when it happens and I do weights I do kettlebell workouts and cardio and mix in squats and the rest I'm going to try eat more but it's fear of gaining that's problem when i first started dieting was 12 stone 8 some bloke told me id piled weight on so it all began there
  • debbieedson
    debbieedson Posts: 46 Member
    I'm not offended by any post I'm grateful for all advice I know something not right has carnt be doing with binge eating then hating my self day after
  • KAS041479
    KAS041479 Posts: 6 Member
    It turns out that a safe number for your height is 111lbs, if you have a very small frame and less-dense bones. You can switch your MFP settings over to maintenance and aim for the calories it sets for you. Don't beat yourself up about binging or falling off the wagon--it happened, it's over now, today is a new day. But I think you are more than lovely, and you should be gentle with yourself. This is just my opinion, but I think you can slowly add back calories and switch up your exercise to mostly weights with minimal cardio a few times a week, and just tone up from where you are. You might gain a few more pounds back, but if it's muscle, you'll feel healthy and continue to look great. And don't panic and think all is lost if you go up on the scale, especially if you're putting back muscle that comes from clean eating and working out. Maybe it would be better to use a tape measure on your arms, chest, waist, hips and thighs, and track your body shape instead of your weight for a while; that way you can see if it's muscle or fat if your weight does change. Please don't let some idiot make you feel like you have to starve yourself and obsess over a scale. As Max Ehrmann said in his poem A Way of Life: “You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here.” <3 I'm getting off this thread now as I have to prepare for work, but I wish you the very best of luck in your journey!!!
  • debbieedson
    debbieedson Posts: 46 Member
    I'd be interested to know the guidelines you based this on. According to NHS choices, the the lower end of the healthy weight range for the OP is 111 lbs.
    Thanyou x
  • RobinSingleton807
    RobinSingleton807 Posts: 4 Member
    1400 Calories is to low and impossible to balance a safe diet with this amount of calories, your body will crave for sugar , so you have odd days where you eat a few sweet things which makes you feel like your binge eating , but don't worry we will sort this problem out love x
  • debbieedson
    debbieedson Posts: 46 Member
    It's not a few sweet things its eating alot loss of control and feelings go with it till I feel full and sick I know it's not healthy and will just gain weight doing this I know need to eat more but I feel I eat loads in week so I need to work on
  • Aemely
    Aemely Posts: 694 Member
    I'm 5 foot 5 109 lb's age 31...

    Your BMR (how much you burn per day, or "Basal Metabolic Rate") is 1,200 cals., but that is with no exercise. Perhaps you are binging because you are burning calories and not eating those calories back? Please be careful because you are closing in on Underweight already and thus do not need to lose any weight. You can eat satisfying protein and good fats to help you gain a few lbs., support your workouts, and hopefully feel less like binging.