My Journey.. LONG...DETAILED. ...

kp3868 Posts: 36 Member
Hello.. Welcome. I've battled with weight my whole life. I can remember being in the 5th grade and we were getting measured for the physical fitness test and I was a whopping 113lbs! 2nd fattest kid in my whole school. By my freshman year I was 160lbs and it just got worse from there. When I graduated I topped the scale at 220 at only 5 foot tall. Classified as morbidly obese. In my mid 20's I lost about 65lbs when I started dating a fitness instructor who made me change my diet to save my life. Well that went sour as do most relationships when you have someone who has never battled the bulge.. I made some changes and met my husband to be. He's not a healthy eater either. So being madly in love traveling to all the great spots in the south naturally I begin to put the weight back on triple fast. Before we wed I started working out bc I purchased a gown intentionally 3 sizes too small and forced myself to get in shape to fit into it. I lost about 30lbs in 3 months or so and the dress ended up being too big! GO FIGURE! ! I was approaching 27 and realized hey I may want kids but have been battling PCOS with weight issues, hair growth, mood issues you know all the common side effects... We tried for about 6 months or so no avail. ... so we started fertility treatments that summer and all the extra hormones piled the weight even worse! Still with several failed attempts we opted for IVF. This worked and finally I was pregnant! ! at our weekly scheduled ultrasound 9 weeks in we had NO HEARTBEAT. I was deeply hurt by this and resorted to my long time never fail me faithful friend FOOD. 3 months later by Christmas I was topping the scale at 20lbs again. Only to find out Jan 7th at a scheduled surgery to remove what was thought to be a Polyp....YES... was pregnant again naturally.. well they ran me upstairs to the dr who had done an ultrasound just the day before for blood work and he tells me then my progesterone was so low it was unlikely to be a successful pregnancy.. Sure enough when I left the Dr. I started bleeding... So serious...PCOS... Kicked my butt once more!! We were completely ripped apart! A few more months of healing and back to the dr to checkout things and we were ok'd to go another cycle. In deed we would try and we'll to my surprise I became pregnant... I prayed and prayed that everything would work out for us. Taking progesterone shots x2 daily would be just what I needed to counterbalance the PCOS. At 7 weeks we had a near subcorionic bleed out. Of course my body is reacting to pregnancy and my weight to my surprise never got above 223lbs with him. He was born 34.w5d.. When I left the hospital I was back down to 199lbs. I struggled to make the right food choices being a new mom starving for sleep I resorted to food once again. I gained and lost through the next 8 months. Maybe my lowest being around 185lbs. I woke up one morning and felt a very familiar feeling. I felt PREGNANT... But it was at least 3 weeks before I was scheduled to cycle. I told my husband and I went to the doctor the next day.. Indeed I was pregnant. I was scheduled for an ultrasound the next week. The nurse who always scanned me through to loses and my entire pregnancy before. Turns to me and says... uuuh.... do TWIN run in your family? ???? I was like H to the NO.... Heck naw!!! She replied yes... TWINS. 5 WEEKS 6 DAYS. ...oh boy I wethered!! Let me call my husband who's at home with the baby! So I carried them to 38 weeks gaining 26lbs and after delivery I left again weighing 199lbs. From there I never lost any weight but gained 15/20 lbs by August. I had had enough. .... I knew I wasn't having more kids so I went to see a surgeon.. I wanted to end the struggle once in for all. I opted to have the gastric sleeve. I went 5 years prior to attempt surgery but my insurance had to have certain items met so they decline me. But this go round I had all the proper documentation and surgery was a go in October! !!

Surgery day I was 226lbs. I lost 70lbs over the course of 14 months. Then comes the holidays. I stopped eating healthy and learned to CHEAT EAT... I packed on 10lbs in 3 months... I went to the dr and he was very upset with me bc I have came so far. I weighed 160lbs on my visit. He put me on a strict diet of not over 900 calories. Told me to download my fitness pal and keep a food diary in which he wanted to see on my next visit. That was Feb 25th and since then I've lost 13lbs!!

This go I'm sticking to it! I've come to far to let go again! ! My goal weight is 135lbs!!!!

