New start

ahugo423 Posts: 2
edited November 14 in Introduce Yourself
hello everyone my name is Abbey and I am a 21-year-old nursing student!! :) Sense I started nursing school in August, I have gained about 15 to 20 pounds give or take. I was always around 120-130 pounds but since school, I've been sitting in class and eating most of the time. When I get home from class , I'm exhausted and I'll take a two or three hour nap and then wake up , eat dinner , study and go to bed. I am still confident in the way I look I just want to be able to wear a bikini this summer without feeling like a whale in front of my friends. I usually wear scrubs so I haven't really noticed the weight gain from the past few months but I went to the doctors after weeks ago and got on the scale and my jaw dropped to the floor. My goal is to lose around 20 pounds and In a healthy but doable way. I know I will never be as skinny as the people in magazines but I just want to be able to be confident in who I am.
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