Need tips on cutting out refined sugars

I want to make reducing my intake of refined sugars an action plan. But, need some tips/tools on how to do so. What worked for you?


  • kkingmcdade
    kkingmcdade Posts: 2 Member
    I cut out soda completely. I stick to drinking water water and more water. I drink tea in the morning. I also try to cook at home with fresh ingredients as much as possible. Cooking from scratch gives you the most control over what you're eating! Good luck to you! It's definitely possible!
  • shaumom
    shaumom Posts: 1,003 Member
    I'd second the drinking water plan. That helps some.

    And cooking from scratch - everything has added sugar these days in processed foods. Heck, I was looking at corn chips the other day at Trader Joe's and THEY had added sugar! (some flavored kind). So when you cook yourself, you have a lot more control over refined sugar. Making deserts that are naturally sweet, like things with added fruit instead of added sugar, helps in that arena, too.
  • MamaMollyT
    MamaMollyT Posts: 197 Member
    Only drink water and tea (u sweet). If you are craving sweet eat a piece of fruit. Don't eat processed foods and baked goods. Keep your eye on things like dressings, sauces and condiments. I basically never use anything other that oil and vinager.
  • snipeista
    snipeista Posts: 9 Member
    Cut out juice and soda: that's easy. I've already done that and now prefer the taste of water over anything else. It's pretty cool. But, I have to stick to it more often. I find myself craving a Pepsi at least once a week. And Iced Tea (sweetened of course) more often.

    I've never really committed completely to home cooking, so that's what I should try. Thank you for that suggestion and reminder.

    Now, that brings me to Molly suggestions: I will try the oil and vinegar mixture, while staying away from dressings and what not. I was never really one to do that, but it does make me more aware of those nasty hidden sugars.

    Hopefully I see a decrease in sugar intake through my diary.

  • MakePeasNotWar
    MakePeasNotWar Posts: 1,329 Member
    A tip for oil and vinegar dressings - think outside the olive oil/balsamic box. It's a great combo, but far from the only option. There are all kinds of flavoured vinegars and toasted nut or seed oils to try. I personally love toasted pistachio oil with orange muscat champagne vinegar, and pomegranate vinegar with hazelnut oil.
  • kmyers9
    kmyers9 Posts: 9 Member
    My dietician told me to try Quest protein bars. They are low in sugar...they taste great! I am a true sugar addict, having these in my cabinet (and purse) has helped me tremendously. I love to take the smores' bar warm it up (15 seconds in micro) and it tastes like I am indulging/cheating! Net cards in a bar is 3 grams I believe.
  • ivoluntas
    ivoluntas Posts: 30 Member
    I'm going into my second week of low sugar. I think what has motivated me is how much better I feel. I can actually fall asleep and stay asleep at night. I don't have any bloat around my tummy. I think once you can cut soda it's easier. It's just finding the hidden stuff. This app has helped me for sure. Logging everything gives you an idea of what is a priority and what can go.
  • ABrownGrl
    ABrownGrl Posts: 41 Member
    I cut out all sugar cold turkey. It was not easy, actually to be honest it was SUPER hard, like one of the hardest things I ever did. I haven't had sugar in over two months now and have never felt better! The first few weeks were GOD AWFUL, but so is sugar in my body. For me it was all about what was most important. Yes, I'm on a weight loss journey, but more importantly I am on a journey to live a long, healthy life, only eating real whole foods. Good luck!!!! You can do it!
  • MamaMollyT
    MamaMollyT Posts: 197 Member
    I really recommend the book Clean by Dr. Junger. He talks a lot about sugar as well as other toxins (and where they hide.) Essentially though if you are eating a whole foods diet: meat, fruits, veggies, nuts, eggs and grains like barley, quinoa, brown rice, then you won't struggle so much with the sugar. Breads, crackers, "health" bars, protein snacks etc have loads of sugar. I never eat those kind of things unless I just ran 10 miles and truly need the sugar. For a quick snack almonds, pistachios, carrots or apples are always great.
  • steeheart
    steeheart Posts: 56 Member
    I love my carbs, and dont do well on low carb diets because then I crave more chocolate and sugar. When I tried to do a paleo diet I found myself reaching for candy, gum, chocolate etc all the time. Now I dont restrict my carbs through out the day and I dont reach for sweets. I put honey in my tea in the morning, and allow myself 1 macaroon for dessert at night, and most of the time I dont even want the macaroon! Not sure what kind of diet you are on.. but thought id mention that as insight. =)