Having a Hard Time Starting...

Any advice?

I have been putting off really putting my efforts into weight loss/adopting a healthier lifestyle. I said I would start when I finished grad school, then when I started my new job, and then after the first week of my new job...so on and so forth. I also make plans for myself...like I am going to just give up one thing for a week and then eliminate another food the next (for example soda or fast food) and I might last a day and then I am back off the wagon. I just can't seem to gain any traction to really get going.

For a bit of background I am 26 years old, 5'2" (and a half) and probably around 150. I was 120-125 through most of college, gained 5 pounds my last year and got pregnant. I gained about 25 pounds in the pregnancy but was back to 126 by the time she was 6 weeks old. I slowly gained the weight back and was holding steady at 140 for a few years and in the past year I was in my concentration year of grad school and I packed on another 10 pounds. I am at the point where I don't feel like myself and I don't know what to do. I literally feel like a fast food/soda addict. I can't seem to battle against myself.

Please help me get in a mindset to take my life back. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thank you!


  • merryberry99
    merryberry99 Posts: 350 Member
    I think finally making the commitment and sticking with it is extremely difficult. I've been doing my best for a few months now, but still slip up. I like foods that are bad for me and don't care for the foods that fall under the uber healthy category. One thing I have learned, however, is that the longer I am away from a certain food, the less I crave it. For example, if I can go 2 weeks without a candy bar or some type of dessert, I don't miss it much. Of course, the first few days of denying myself something I want feel like hell. I think understanding that you will slip is part of dieting. If you think things have to be perfect, you will most likely get discouraged and fall completely off the diet horse.

    In the end, you have to set your mind to NOT eating fast food or cutting back. Try to come up with meals, even if they are similar, that you can cook at home to save yourself some of the additional calories. I even know people who eat the best they can and deny themselves junk during the week, but allow themselves to splurge on the weekends.

    Don't know of this helps, but I sure do know how difficult it is to kick soda and fast food habits.
  • 63hanson
    63hanson Posts: 154 Member
    I guess the thing that really got me started was realizing that if I had kept with it the last time I tried, I would be at my ideal weight by now. And those months just slipped by very quickly. So I've decided I will eat healthy and exercise one day at a time and in a few months I will be where I want to be. If I don't do it now, I'll be in the same boat in September..and I don't want September to come and me to think, wow if I would have just stuck with it I would be at my goal.

    Hope that makes sense!