I would feel so much better if I could just drop a size alre



  • wallena
    wallena Posts: 32
    i think it varies by person. like for me, i feel smaller after one workout. lol. everyone looks at progress differently. try not to rush it. remember, if weight comes off too easily, it'll come back on even easier. make your goals long term and set smaller goals for yourself. then, you'll feel a sense of accomplishment. today, i avoided the "chocolate drawer" my boss has at work and the cookies in the cafeteria at the checkout. yeay for me. you can do it. just don't ask too much of yourself too soon. and give yourself credit every time you can. :)
  • sroseber
    sroseber Posts: 197 Member
    Ok, so tonight I realized something since starting this that I guess I've noticed but hadn't really paid attention to...I have energy! lol! Today I got up at 6:30/7:00 (something like that) and went to work, straight from work to pick up my girls, straight home to set out some flowers and water my garden, came in and fixed dinner, ate, then took my puppy for a walk before coming home to sit and watch 1 1/2 TV shows with my husband which turned into playing with my puppy most of the time the shows were on. And I don't feel exhausted!!! So I guess I've lost 4 1/2 lbs and gained energy! That makes the 4 lbs. seem a lot better.:bigsmile:

    Though I'm not exhausted, I'm heading to bed. Gotta do it all over again tomorrow. Wish I could skip the work part. Really hating my job lately and don't want to be there. My husband is trying to get into a new career field and is supposed to know if he gets the job end of this month or first of July. SOOOO praying he gets it, if he does there could be a chance that I could quit my job and stay home with my girls which I would love Love LOVE to do!
  • wallena
    wallena Posts: 32
    maybe a vacation is in order. take a couple of days off. hope your husband gets the job. :)