First day on MyfitnessPal

Needing support and motivation!! Would love to motivate you back!!!


  • Hi,
    I am in the same boat. Would like to be friends and motivate each other.
  • slimgoodbody05
    slimgoodbody05 Posts: 12 Member
    Sure!! Let's do it!!
  • elly620
    elly620 Posts: 209 Member
    I've been on mfp for a few years. Feel free to add and welcome.
  • GroovyBionerd
    GroovyBionerd Posts: 3 Member
    saame! What are some of your goals?
  • slimgoodbody05
    slimgoodbody05 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi ladies!! Thanks for requesting me. Elly620 how are you doing on your goals?
    GroovyBionerd I really just want to lose 6lbs and tone my stomach and get a smaller waist. The hard part is sticking to it. I start going back to the gym today actually and will be going in a couple of hours. What are your goals?