carbs + cholesterol?

I'm 25 and a healthy weight, but with very high cholesterol. (LDL is in the 220s and total cholesterol is just above 300.) As my diet is already low in saturated fat, my doctor is now suggesting that I significantly cut down on carbs. Has anyone heard of this helping to lower cholesterol? I'm wary to cut carbs as they often comprise the bulk of my calories -- and considering I have a history of being underweight, I don't want to land back there again. If it will really help with the cholesterol, I'll do it -- but I want to get others' opinions first.



  • Sandcastles61
    Sandcastles61 Posts: 506 Member
    My mom and sister are both thin and in shape... And have high cholesterol :s. Diet (as in food choices) hasn't mattered..... Sometimes it's just a hereditary thing. Yes, there is such a thing as genetic high cholesterol :)
  • Healthymom_5
    Healthymom_5 Posts: 244 Member
    Research is mounting that reducing carbs can greatly benefit lipid profiles! Here is one link, and you can find many more!
    Healthy fats, ie coconut, olive, avocados, grass fed beef and fatty fish are the good fats that can help.
    Check out the group on MFP for low carb. Much help and info there.
    Wish you the best as you imorove your health!
  • sing809
    sing809 Posts: 54 Member
    edited March 2015
    I went gluten free 1.5 years ago which reduced my carb intake some. About 5 months ago I took it a step further with 35/35/30 macros and low sugar. I just had my cholesterol tested and was really impressed by my results. I absolutely believe that cutting carbs can help reduce cholesterol.

  • sydney729
    sydney729 Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you so much for the responses so far! I was fairly confident that it was not my diet, but as I can't find a genetic link, I suppose I have to consider that carbs could be the culprit. It's definitely worth a shot to try changing how I eat!

    @sing809 - What an incredible improvement in numbers!! So glad that's working so well for you!