Hello I am Andy 338lbs on day 2

Helli my name


  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,323 Member
    Hi Andy, welcome
  • sjrutherf
    sjrutherf Posts: 27 Member
    Good luck! I am on Day 2 as well.
  • jazminv1
    jazminv1 Posts: 1
    Hello Andy!!
    I'm on Day 1.
  • chronolulu
    chronolulu Posts: 9 Member
    I'm in week 9. I started at 317 and I'm down 30lbs so far. Do it!
  • sjrutherf
    sjrutherf Posts: 27 Member
    chronolulu wrote: »
    I'm in week 9. I started at 317 and I'm down 30lbs so far. Do it!

    Do you have any tips that would be helpful? I know this site is full of them, but the more the better, right?
  • Hey everyone, add me! Looking for supportive people to add to my friend list. Started last year at 340, got to 290, now I'm at 305-ish, hope to get down to 275. Good luck to all of us!
  • chronolulu
    chronolulu Posts: 9 Member
    sjrutherf wrote: »
    chronolulu wrote: »
    I'm in week 9. I started at 317 and I'm down 30lbs so far. Do it!

    Do you have any tips that would be helpful? I know this site is full of them, but the more the better, right?

    Do a workout you like. I did boxing and muay Thai. Go with friends. With food: baby steps. Start making small substitutions. Instead of a candy bar, do trail mix. Getting McDonald's? Skip the fries. Also, I think of the calorie counting as a game and I hate losing.
  • Testami73
    Testami73 Posts: 35
    I started at 396 in 2011 and got to 320, but more recently started at 350 on 2/1/15. Currently I'm at 330 and aiming for under 300 by my birthday in late June. My main exercise these days is my weightlifting, so my LBM means I'm a little leaner than the numbers suggest. I'm game for more support friends too.
  • andrewtiorio
    andrewtiorio Posts: 2 Member
    Thank u all for your encouragement and support. So much appreciated!
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Welcome, Andy. Just remember, consistency is key. Just stick with the process.
  • kacsb123
    kacsb123 Posts: 1
    Hi! I am on day 2 as well...good luck!
  • flippen75
    flippen75 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi I'm on day 2....good luck!!!!!
  • Hi Andy! I'm day 2 as well. You can do this!
  • Mehmed2
    Mehmed2 Posts: 10 Member
    Best of luck mate. I was 327 50 days ago. Now I'm at 309, slow and steady progress :smile:
  • LaceyRuth
    LaceyRuth Posts: 51 Member
    31 days in and I am never ever planning on going back. Feel free to add me!
  • Nightcometh
    Nightcometh Posts: 67 Member
    Hi Andy :)
  • stuart160
    stuart160 Posts: 1,628 Member
    Hi Andy! Welcome and good luck! Just stick with it through the ups and downs and when you get discouraged from time to time come on here and vent and you'll get plenty of support. Feel free to add me if you are in need of friends.
  • Welcome Andy ! Wish you the best
  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    Hi, Andy! 44 days here and many more awesome days to go. We can do it. :)