The best quality for the most fair price. Weights and weight bench

I'm searching for a weight bench and some free weights so I can cut my time down at the gym. (I just bought a treadmill for my home :) ) What are your recommendations? I'd prefer steel or neoprene weights, but open to suggestions. Help me!


  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Best deals I've ever found were on craigslist (or whatever the equivalent is for our northern neighbors). I've gotten weights for <.50 cents per pound (sometimes as low as .20-.25). For new stuff, you can't beat Walmart actually. They sell normal CAP barbell stuff for the cheapest I've seen. And in the US at least, they will ship anything over $75 for free, so you can get hundreds of pounds of weights delivered to your door for nothing. Can't beat that.
  • jodycoady
    jodycoady Posts: 598 Member
    Thanks very much for your input! I've been looking on classified and thus far, everything is junk...I will check out WalMart too, thanks again!
    GPHX_GEEK Posts: 32 Member
    I invested in a pair of PowerBlock 2.4 adjustable dumbbells. They are super convenient and it ends up being a better deal than buying separates. I also like the design because you can hold them in different ways which makes them versatile for different exercises. Depends on what you are lifting as well. My husband also got a set, the 50lbs one that ranges from 5-50lbs (in increments of 5) $299. Mine were $149 and the weight range is 3-24lbs (in increments of 3). You can get them on their website, on Amazon or pretty much any sports store and they are basically the same price anywhere.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    I agree on craigslist for used gear. Basic weight training stuff is pretty durable, so a quick eye test and a kick/shake should be enough to see if there is a structural problem to avoid.
  • rileyes
    rileyes Posts: 1,406 Member
    I'm also in the market for a new set I can use for life. And I have to share this:
  • daj150
    daj150 Posts: 815 Member
    Craig's List is great, but Facebook has a similar community that is just as good, if not better than Craig's List. Also eBay is pretty awesome. My question for you really need weights? You can do just about anything with resistance bands. Personally, I have a bowflex, dumbbells, and kettlebells at home. But I started out with a pull-up bar, push-up blocks, and a full set of bands...and that really did everything.
  • wils5150
    wils5150 Posts: 149 Member
    Power blocks $299 and a adjustable bench from walmart $79
  • jodycoady
    jodycoady Posts: 598 Member
    Thanks everyone....not sure about the bands though.....I like the way I look with the dumbbells, hahaha
  • jodycoady
    jodycoady Posts: 598 Member
    rileyes wrote: »
    I'm also in the market for a new set I can use for life. And I have to share this:

    Absolutely amazing...Now I need a carpenter boyfriend, lol

  • phogbear
    phogbear Posts: 30 Member
    Found a lot of great deals on Craiglist/Facebook groups. Two tips are.....Always offer a price lower than what they ask. Most of the time people will take it for fitness equipment. If not they'll at least lower the price.

    Be patient. In looking and buying. The buying part depends more on where you live.

    Now that my health is a lot better I'm investing in better/more equipment. I built a lat machine this week. Next I making that Power Rack above.

    If your looking for new, after checking Amazon. I suggest searching the forums at Chances are there is a thread about the equipment over there. If not then ask. I've gotten some good advice over there.