Couch to 5k?!



  • aalpass
    aalpass Posts: 124 Member
    I only did two weeks on it, had to stop because of knee issues. I saw a marked improvement in my endurance. I'm going to pick it up again when I can afford to get some good running shoes and/or lose some more weight so it won't be as much as shock to my's too bad I really was enjoying it.

    I've started a couple of times and this time I'm at week 3. The last few times I couldn't continue due to knee pain. I haven't had any this time and I put it down to the strength training I've done over the last few months. I've been amazed at how much the strength training has stabilised my problematic knees.
  • courtneymal17
    courtneymal17 Posts: 672 Member
    I'm in week 5, and am staring at a scary run on Monday - 20 minutes nonstop. But honestly, it is such a cool program - times that seemed far out of reach at the beginning have now become routine. Give it a try, and see what you think - you might surprise yourself!

    Oh god that run TERRIFIED me! To compound the problem I live in Michigan and that day was my first day of running on april...mid(ish) day. Omg I was so scared! But you know what? It was awesome! The app I used at the end was like "Congratulations, you've finished a 20 minute run. That's 20 more minutes than you were running week 1! If you didn't already, you can really call yourself a runner" I was in my uncles subdivision in Florida, soaked in sweat and I literally stopped in the middle of the sidewalk and BAWLED. Hilarious in hindsight but so embarassing haha. It feels AMAZING when you're done!! Good luck!