Confused on setting my goals

I am just lost as to the ratio I should have set for total cal intake of 1060 in my goals. I have been tracking for three weeks, always under the caloric intake, just can't eat them all, and daily rations are always too high in the fat/carb - I am not going hungry, but I don't feel like I am eating badly either. Anyone have suggestion as to how to figure out the correct ratios?


  • vorgas
    vorgas Posts: 741 Member
    Correct ratios depend on what types of exercise you are doing.
    And a spoonfull of peanut butter is 200 calories, so you can always get your calorie goal.
  • futuremanda
    futuremanda Posts: 816 Member
    1060 is too low a calorie goal. It should be 1200 minimum, and you should work to hit it regularly. If you are not even making a goal of 1000 calories, you are, in fact, eating badly.

    And yes, you can eat that much. You were eating more before you started dieting. This sometimes happens when people replace too many of their old foods with diet options, fat free things, foods they think are "good" instead of those old, "bad" foods. Foods aren't good or bad, and you need fat in your diet. If this sounds right, then try reversing some of those decisions (ex. go back to regular cream cheese instead of light, 2% milk instead of skim, etc).

    Do make sure you're logging correctly also! It's quite possible you ARE eating 1200 or more! These links should help:

    Also! If MFP gave you that calorie goal, then redo your goals please! There was a glitch with the app (iPhone I believe?) that was giving out unhealthily low calorie targets.