15 days in and I am so frustrated

I am STARVING today. I think I've eaten 2000 calories just this evening. I will log them but I am scared. I was fine till I had a late breakfast and then it was nibble, nibble. snack, eat, snack and I still don't feel full


  • keme2016
    keme2016 Posts: 6 Member
    Do you eat a lot of fruits and veggies? You can eat a ton of them without using many calories thus helping you feel fuller. ☺️
  • suzeequu
    suzeequu Posts: 110 Member
    i am two years in and I still have days like that and I dont know why..I look at my food logs to try to find a pattern..did i not eat the right combination? is it stress related? or just a bad habit... just push thru and dont let a bad day derail you. we all have them, but you are being smart to count it even when its bad. Just try to remember tomorrow may be a better day, or maybe not, but eventually you will have more good than bad. good luck..
  • skinniwithin
    skinniwithin Posts: 17 Member
    I do eat lots of fruit and quite a bit of veggies. I love grapes but that's a bad choice - quite high in calories. I had 6 oz of baby carrots with 2 Tbsp of hummus and that was +-180 calories
  • skinniwithin
    skinniwithin Posts: 17 Member
    I also drank 8 glasses of water today which is usually a struggle for me. And I felt like I was hit over the head when I woke up this morning. All groggy and sleep deprived but I slept an hour more than I usually do.
  • futuremanda
    futuremanda Posts: 816 Member
    Weird hunger patterns happen to me when I eat off my usual schedule. (Like on weekends.)

    Could you be nearing time of the month?

    Do you live somewhere with daylight savings? Could be messing with your sleep.

    No matter what is messing with your sleep, that will mess with your hunger.

    If you need to, set MFP to maintain your weight as your goal for a couple days, until you feel better. That way, you'll see the calories you can eat that will neither help nor hurt your weight -- just pause everything. And you can eat them and not feel scared or guilty.


    When you're feeling better (less like you are starving and frustrated and scared), you may want to sit down and evaluate how you eat and log and plan. Do you eat what your eyes tell you that you want, and then try to figure out calories later? How much later? How are you getting these things you're nibbling on? What goes into your decision to eat it? Are you pre-planning food at all? Do your plans break down throughout the day -- if so, why? Etc. You will learn a lot and be able to tweak your practices so you feel better and meet success.

    And don't feel bad. No one is very good at this in the beginning. Think of it like a skill you're learning and practicing. You will make mistakes and it will be hard sometimes.

    And I know that I AM STARVING feeling. It's tough to ignore! Tomorrow is a new day. This will get better as long as you stick it out and put in the effort to make it work for you. (No white knuckling a "lifestyle" you loathe... identify your challenges and find strategies to tackle them so you can make permanent changes.)
  • steeheart
    steeheart Posts: 56 Member
    Getting started is the hardest part! Don't beat yourself up over it. Just try to gradually eat less. Make sure you log everything. Pay attention to how different foods make you feel. You may like the taste of something, but it leaves you hungry an hour later. I've found that I have to eat eggs or a protein for breakfast. Cereal or oatmeal doesn't do it for me and it makes me hungry through the whole day!

    Here are some tips to help you get through the initial torment. Drink tons of sparkling water. Trader joes has some great flavored bottles, like Orange, that take the hunger edge off. No sugar, no calories and no artificial sugar.

    I used to snack all the time through out the day on stuff like hummus, cheese, bananas, bars ext. I cut all that out, because I never felt satisfied and never actually felt full. Instead, I eat 3 bigger meals with no snacking. If I get hungry between meals I chug sparkling water, and eat some cucumbers with lime and salt. At the end of the day I end up with extra calories and then I'll snack on almonds, cheese, a cookie or a glass of wine while I watch tv or whatever. All those snacking calories through out the day add up quickly and then take away from meals.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Make sure you're not over restricting yourself throughout the week. Also, get lots of fat and proteins and it will keep you sated longer.
  • skinniwithin
    skinniwithin Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks you!! I am going to print out the advice above. @futuremanda‌, that was the best post I've read. I need to sit down with it and see if I can figure out the answers to the questions you posed. Daylight savings has definitely whacked me this time. I hate it! Wish we could just pick a time and stick to it lol.
  • haniscor
    haniscor Posts: 9 Member
    When I feel like that, I do cardio. For some reason it makes me not hungry. I mean, who wants to run with a stomach full of ice cream?
  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,123 Member
    We all have days like that. Try to make up for it later in the week. For me, I find I need a good distraction. Some days at work I snack like crazy because I'm not busy. On busy days, I eat lunch late and have no time for snacking and realize... I wasn't hungry either. A lot of times I think its just boredom, not hunger. Don't beat yourself up over it. I try to give myself license to eat a little more on some days as long as I hit my deficit for the week. Good luck!