Hi, any advice please

Hi everyone.
I have always done slimming world and whilst I have lost a large amount of weight on it I have recently,despite my best intentions, put on 8lb :(
Now everyone on here seems to be doing so well and I have some friends who have used mfp and have amazing results so I thought id give this a proper go!
I know this is a long term thing but I have a holiday coming up in 9 weeks and wondered, in your experience, how much can i lose in that time? Im not looking to lose a huge amount I just wanted to know what a realistic figure might be please? I have a bmi of 25.5 and I do exercise just not in huge a mounts so not of athletic build!
I would say I have tops of 1 stone to lose (i dont expect to do that in 9 weeks)
any help would be great as I know I am someone who needs support :)