What is your poison for the day?



  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Sitting at this damn sedentary job.... ugh!!!

    also- meeting with regulatory agency peoples. blarg.
  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,236 MFP Moderator
    Leana088 wrote: »
    Poison cookies??

    My poison would be sitting at this desk for 8-9 hrs.

    Yeah poison... Because sugarzzz... :smiley:

    Not the sugarzzzz. :stuck_out_tongue: The chocolate chips... :wink: Because, seriously... who can eat JUST ONE chocolate chip :grey_question:
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    A serving of Talenti fudge brownie gelato. Gotta love that one.
  • Leana088
    Leana088 Posts: 581 Member
    davis_em wrote: »
    Leana088 wrote: »
    Poison cookies??

    My poison would be sitting at this desk for 8-9 hrs.

    Yeah poison... Because sugarzzz... :smiley:

    Not the sugarzzzz. :stuck_out_tongue: The chocolate chips... :wink: Because, seriously... who can eat JUST ONE chocolate chip :grey_question:

    +10 000!!!
  • HeySwoleSister
    HeySwoleSister Posts: 1,938 Member
    Stress. Worry. Having teenage children. (accounts for the first 2)
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    edited March 2015
    Arsenic. With a side of cyanide.

    Actually, no - I don't have either apple pips or stone fruit pits planned for today.

    This morning was a waffle topped with peanut butter, marshmallow fluff and a couple of slices of crispy bacon. The waffle had a lot of protein - honest!

    I'm having a peanut butter and marshmallow fluff thing all of the sudden. I don't get it. I haven't eaten marshmallow fluff in decades and now I can't figure out why that is. Stuff is good mixed with other things, and not obnoxious, calorie-wise.

    I'll have something sweet later tonight, but don't have anything specific planned.
  • Mistraal1981
    Mistraal1981 Posts: 453 Member
    Two creme eggs and a pack of Reese's peanut cups (three cups). I have 45 calories left for dinner....
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    Having actually prelogged today up through dinner, probably some dark chocolate pudding with mini chocolate chips thrown in. It's hard because I don't really get to eat lunch today. I had a Quest bar a couple hours ago, and after work I'll have a slice of toast with peanut butter and some string cheese. I'll only have an hour before I have to leave for school and then won't get to eat dinner until after 8:30.
  • steeheart
    steeheart Posts: 56 Member
    A cocktail tonight?
  • Azexas
    Azexas Posts: 4,334 Member
    Cadbury Creme Egg!

    Hopefully I'll have enough cals for some gelato tonight :)
  • Pinkbutterflt
    Pinkbutterflt Posts: 4 Member
    Pop & m&ms :neutral_face:
  • KarenB927
    KarenB927 Posts: 94 Member
    I have pint of Talenti Southern Butter Pecan gelato in the freezer waiting for me. I will probably scarf down the whole thing, but I'm having a "who gives a crap day". I'm maintaining my weight now, almost 2 years with only a pound or two fluctuation, so once in a blue moon I just let it all go and don't stress over eating. But ONLY once in a blue moon, because I'm hypothyroid on meds and have celiac disease, so I can gain weight extremely easy. One day won't matter, but if I go off track more than one day, I'm in trouble, lol.
  • KingofWisdom
    KingofWisdom Posts: 229 Member
    I bought Gatorade powder because I don't like to drink plain water and want to cut back on soda. So now every time I drink water, it has 1-2 teaspoons of powder. At least now I won't drink like 3 or 4 cans of soda a day.
  • penneysfit
    penneysfit Posts: 97 Member
    Amstel light beer after work tonight :)
  • nickatine
    nickatine Posts: 451 Member
    Bacardi oakheart and coke and a second chicken skewer.
  • verapal
    verapal Posts: 38 Member
    Anything chocolate....and i mean anything. .lol
  • MargaretSobers
    MargaretSobers Posts: 167 Member
    Stuffs that are harmful for you body......chocolates and cookies.
  • SunflowerCat74
    SunflowerCat74 Posts: 258 Member
    Orange creamsicle Cupcakes with cream cheese frosting. (homeade). It's my sons bday.
  • charlotteX92X
    charlotteX92X Posts: 344 Member
    Just had a big plate of nachos for tea and I plan to wash it down with ice cream since it was so hot here today
  • snowflake930
    snowflake930 Posts: 2,188 Member
    A square of Lindt dark chocolate with hazelnuts. My treat at the end of the day.