What are the TOP 10 things you did to achieve success?



  • hezemakiah
    hezemakiah Posts: 157 Member
    eliminated creamer from my coffee in the morning
    replaced my soda habit with a water habit
    began incorporating more whole foods rather than processed foods
    no junk food or soda allowed in the house
    began fitting some exercise into my week
    making sure I am getting enough sleep
    keep positive motivators around
  • happykelly209
    happykelly209 Posts: 29 Member
    edited April 2015
    katsmo wrote: »
    1. Figured out my diet first, then added exercise to the mix.
    2. Always plan ahead, pre-log my day, peruse restaurant menus/nutritional info online beforehand.
    3. Stick to my pre-logged plan each day and eat at a deficit.
    4. Don't go hungry or eliminate much of anything from my plate, but just eat in moderation.
    5. Don't use exercise as an excuse to pig out that day.
    6. Be good to myself on all fronts: with food, activity, fresh air, mental stimulation, massages, enough rest, etc.
    7. Have an open mind to other possibilities that may work for me.
    8. Comparison is the thief of joy.
    9. Follow my own path and make choices that will work best for me, regardless of what others around me are doing.
    10. When I fall, I have to power myself back up and start fresh the next day.
    Really inspiring I love the pre logging I may try that to plan better.
  • happykelly209
    happykelly209 Posts: 29 Member
    1. Shoes on and out at wake up NO EXCUSES.
    2. Eat FISH
    3. Eat fruit
    4. Eat vegetables
    5. ALmond milk instead of dairy milk
    6. Soup soup soup
    7. KALE
    8. Squats,burpees,bleachers, rinse repeat
    9. HEAVY weights
    10. RUN RUN RUN
  • NicoleMKlein
    NicoleMKlein Posts: 18 Member
    1.support from family and friends
    3.10,000 plus steps a day
    4. Lots of water
    5. Cheat meal once a week
    6. Log weight once a week, same day and time
    7. Rewards for reaching goals (25 pounds)
    8. Talk about my success
    9. Donate the clothes that got too big
    10. Know this is for life
  • 111grace
    111grace Posts: 382 Member
    I love reading all of your posts :) this is the most wonderful post ever :) Thank you all for coming from the most generous & authentic place that is you {{ big hugs :) }}
  • zdyb23456
    zdyb23456 Posts: 1,706 Member
    1. weighing my food/portions
    2. running/exercise - as much as I can
    3. taking at least 10,000 steps per day; on running days trying to log 15K+
    4. limiting/reducing evening snacking, which is where I can/do the most damage
    5. limiting eating out as much as possible
    6. logging slip-ups and getting over it by getting right back on track i.e. not blowing the rest of day/week/month just because I binged on chips (or whatever I over indulged in)
    7. reminding myself that there is no reason to overeat something that tastes good - it will still be there tomorrow to enjoy
    8. asking myself honestly if the calories are worth it, more often than not it isn't
    9. pre-logging really helps, more than I thought it would
    10. weighing myself regularly to get ahead of weight increases
  • Bshmerlie
    Bshmerlie Posts: 1,026 Member
    1. The realization that this is not a diet but a long term plan for life.
    2. Prelog the next day and prepare meals if possible.
    3. Only watch TV while on a treadmill. :)
    4. Weigh my food before I cook it.
    5. Keep snacks with me at all times.
    6. Never go hungry. (See rule 5)
    7. Drink lots of water ALL day long.
    8. Force myself to get off the couch and exercise.
    9. Get 8 hours of sleep.
    10. Get as many family members to get on the plan as well. This will make your life easier.

    These are the things that work for me. These are the things that help me to stick to my daily goals. And this is why I will lose 100 pounds. There's no going back get off your *kitten* today.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    1. move more
    2. eat less
    3. stop making excuses
    4. repeat 1-3
    5. repeat 1-3
    6. repeat 1-3
    7. repeat 1-3
    8. repeat 1-3
    9. repeat 1-3
    10. repeat 1-3
  • Bizurke51
    Bizurke51 Posts: 190 Member
    111grace wrote: »
    1. The most important change?
    2. ?
    3. ?
    4. ?
    5. so
    7. on
    8. &
    9. so
    10. forth ....

    1. Started my diet immediately, instead of waiting for tomorrow
    2. Accurate logging/overestimating
    3. Gym, Gym Gym,
    4. meal planning a day ahead
    5. progress pics
    6. cheat days
    7. people noticing
    8. finding "go to food"
    9. being a homebody
    10. the will to succeed
  • 111grace
    111grace Posts: 382 Member
    lol :)
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    1. eat more veggies
    2. pre-plan meals
    3. pre-prep food on Sundays
    4. make and freeze single serving "freezer meals"
    5. run
    6. lift
    7. joined mfp (yeah, lost most of my weight before stumbling on here)
    8. log everything
    9. use a food scale
    10. stick with it
  • marieamethyst
    marieamethyst Posts: 869 Member
    moyer566 wrote: »
    1. move more
    2. eat less
    3. stop making excuses
    4. repeat 1-3
    5. repeat 1-3
    6. repeat 1-3
    7. repeat 1-3
    8. repeat 1-3
    9. repeat 1-3
    10. repeat 1-3

    Pretty much this!
  • FitForL1fe
    FitForL1fe Posts: 1,872 Member
    1. logging accurately
    2. logging accurately
    3. logging accurately
    4. you get the idea
  • snowflake930
    snowflake930 Posts: 2,188 Member
    edited June 2015
    Only 3 for me.
    Log everything I eat and drink, stay @ or slightly under calorie allowance, and move more.
    It really works. I lost -160#, and have been on maintenance for 19 months.
  • professionalHobbyist
    professionalHobbyist Posts: 1,316 Member
    Learn more about food!

    See my body as a chemistry set
    Use a food scale
    Log correctly
    Be responsible for burning off splurges
    Exercise for a purpose, cardio days, resistance days
    Value rest properly
    Find common ground friends at the gym
    Help new people and make it a lifestyle.

  • shadowfax_c11
    shadowfax_c11 Posts: 1,942 Member
    1) Stopped accepting being very overweight as okay.
    2) stopped making excuses for why I was having so much trouble loosing weight. IE Starvation mode, genetics etc.
    3) stopped ignoring friends who offered reasonable advice on the topic of weight loss. And stopped listening to those who enabled and encouraged my wrong thinking.
    4) Started tracking calories after determining that this was indeed the diet with the best science behind it and so most likley to actually work.
    5) Started tracking calories more accurately using MFP and a food scale.
    6) Refused to give in to my body's initial cries of "but we might starvvvveeeee!!!"
    7) Got a Fitbit for more accurate data on activity level and exercise calories burned and started enjoying some of those bonus calories.
    8) Became even more accurate in food logging and started logging the cream in my coffee which I previously "ignored" as irrelevant.
    9) Enjoyed all things in moderation so as to never feel deprived or have to fight cravings.
    10) Didn't give up, despair, get mad, punish myself, binge or otherwise sabotage my efforts on a day when I went a little over goal.

    Age 45
    Started CICO on March 25th at 274
    Started MFP on April 1st at 269
    Added Fitbit o April 19th at 262.5
    Currently (June 13th) at 253

    Overall down 21 pounds in 11 weeks.