Hey All... Looking for some Over 40's



  • gamari01
    gamari01 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Kim! I'm 42 and the mother of a 16yr old daughter. I'm just starting a 60lb weight loss journey (again!) and desperately want it to stick this time. Would love to make some over 40 friends.

    I don't have any MFP friends yet, and would love to have the support and also offer support to others.

  • pcrucifer
    pcrucifer Posts: 71 Member
    Just turned 41... Barely over 40. Used to be able to eat anything without gaining weight. Yes, I was that guy. Developed lots of bad eating habits that are not compatible with an over 40 metabolism. Would love to have some over 40 friends.
  • IAmABetterMe
    IAmABetterMe Posts: 128 Member
    I love that we all want to support each other
  • filmlass
    filmlass Posts: 27 Member
    Hey all Looking for some over 40's for support -

    I am 48 soon to be 49... about 40 pounds overweight... I have Hashimoto's disease which makes losing REALLY tough but I need to be healthier because my Dad died at 49 with a heart attack and my Mom .. is getting to go through carotid artery surgery... so I NEED to make this change! I am a single mom to 1 very active teen who has me running 4+ nights a week - but she is EXTREMELY active and fit... and I sort of feel like an embarrassment to her :(. So I NEED to do this for Us (Me and Her) and would LOVE some friends to come along on this journey with me! You support me and I will support you!

    Thanks so much


    Hi, I'm 44 and married with 3 kids. I also have Hashimoto's so know how difficult it is. Still have about 25-30 lbs to go. Well done for trying to get fit! Hope we can support each other. Everyone I've 'met' on here has been really supportive!
    Ruth :)