Did I create this myself?

MalineVD Posts: 649 Member
Hey guys,

I have a question.

For years I was able to maintain a good healthy weight. I've eaten healthy for almost all my life and exercise regularly. Due to some changes in my life, I haven't been able to do lots of sports with a 15 pound gain as a result (in 1 year). I know everything starts with a good diet, but my diet hasn't changed that much. I still eat really healthy and i've cut back my portions because of the lack of exercise. I'm at 1200 kcal a day and I stick to it well, except sometimes I go over because I had some extra nuts or an extra piece of fruit or something like that. I don't eat junkfood, never eat candy (once in a while a piece of dark chocolate but that's it), don't drink soda or whatever. Oh and all my meals are homecooked. So I don't feel like there are a lot of things I could do in the diet area. But I find it very very hard to lose those 15 pounds again. I'm slowly creating more time to work out again, but it's really hard with my workschedule.

I don't feel like I should reduce my calorie intake, because I'm only at 1200 and I used to eat a lot more when I worked out a lot. it feels like (because I've always eaten healthy and there's not much to change there) it's harder because I have limited possibilities to make a positive change. And I still have more than 2 months before my work situation changes and I'll have more time to go to the gym or running or whatever :)
Do you guys see another solution for the meanwhile?

Thank you!


  • futuremanda
    futuremanda Posts: 816 Member
    Are you logging everything, consistently? (Even the extra nuts, the piece of chocolate, etc.) Are you weighing all your food? Are you careful which database entries you use? How long have you been at 1200?

    (If you're eating 1200 for sure, I would expect you'd lose over time, so I'm asking to double check.)
  • Cobourg
    Cobourg Posts: 54 Member
    could be hormonal changes, as you age losing weight becomes more difficult
  • mirrim52
    mirrim52 Posts: 763 Member
    Can you open your food diary?
    Usually the first step is to tighten up your logging. Weigh all solids with a food scale and measure all liquids. Make sure to log every bite. Most people are very bad at eyeballing and end up eating many more calories than they think. When you don't have a lot to lose, it doesn't take much to accidentally wipe out your deficit.
  • emmakiko
    emmakiko Posts: 6 Member
    I used to have the same problem too. Then I removed all refined carbs like sugar, flour, bread, pasta, rice, dairy and potatoes and only getting my carbs from leafy veggies. So my diet was meat and veggies. Basically a paleo diet. I tried not to eat nuts too often, maybe a small handful (20 nuts) a few times per week. Then I added weight training and a little cardio. I increased my calories from 1200 to 1400 per day, making sure I felt satisfied all day long and not starving. It was at this point the weight started melting off me quite easily.

    Everyone's body is different so I am not sure if this will work for you. But I find it's worth experimenting with different eating plans to find out what your body will respond to. Your body has a secret key to unlock its weight loss, you just have to keep experimenting until you find that key. If something is not working after a few weeks make some changes and find ways to eat cleaner and more ways to move. (But don't exercise more than 3 or 4 days per week, especially if you're not used to working out, as that can stress the body and stall weight loss as well).

    One thing I want to add is never, ever cut your calories lower than 1000 per day to try and force weight loss. It won't work, your weight loss will probably stall and then you will end up gaining more weight when you finally succumb to unbearable cravings. I had to learn that lesson the hard way, unfortunately.
  • MalineVD
    MalineVD Posts: 649 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I also put this thread in the general weight loss help thread. For those interested: here's the link: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10108000/did-i-create-this-myself#latest

    Thank you for responding!!