5lbs weight gain, 24hrs

I went off the grid recording my food stuffs yesterday. I definitely ate more than I normally do; retirement party, someone brought in doughnuts, someone brought in lunch... but, holy cow.. i didn't eat that much.. not more than everyone else around me who's super thin and eye balls me every time I eat anything. :(

I've been at 1300 calories, exercising on the treadmill for about an hour a day - eating my exercise calories as well... haven't lost a single pound. I've only been working at it for a week, but it's so demoralizing.. (232 - well, now 237 lbs 5'8")

So, I read all the newbie stuff and I get that my metabolism is shot... so.. hang in there for a few weeks? try to eat more often, and I"m going to try to pack in more protein in the morning.

I feel pretty hopeless this morning though.. that I'm doomed to being fat forever.

5lbs overnight, does that happen to anyone else?


  • gharley
    gharley Posts: 12
    I know how you are feeling right now. I gained 10 pounds back and I just cannot seems to drop it back off at all. I am getting very frustrated and angry at the same time. I know my metabolism is shot but I sure wish I could figure out how to jump start it again. I have read and tried a lot of things but nothing seems to be working. I even been working out, walking anywhere from 5 to 8 miles a day and staying within my calories. Not eating bad food either. This is very discouraging for me. Hope someone out there has ideas for both of us.
  • refinedredbird
    refinedredbird Posts: 209 Member
    It would truly be difficult to gain 5lbs in just one day since 1lb=3,500 calories and your body already burns an average of 2,000 calories a day. That would mean you would have had to of eaten more that 17,500 calories yesterday. When you gain pounds like that, it is usually due to water retention from eating sodium rich foods. Stay off the scale and drink the recommended amount of water every day and get back on track with your healthy eating habits. Within a week, you should be back to where you were. Don't stress too much about it :)