Looking for some advice.

Jacob79 Posts: 2 Member
Started working out at the end of January (cardio, light weights), start tracking (consistently) 18 days ago. lost a total of 29lbs after being sick(flu) and then cardio from last December 13th (277 to 248). Eating below calorie count normally, recently upped the weights and started using 1 scoop of protein. I have a major addiction to food, mostly at night.. I guess i'm Just looking for some all around advice from anyone, would like continue to lose weight and just be healthy for my future. Also the biggest kick in the butt for me was the fight against depression.. The workouts have helped amazingly. Thanks..


  • absurdic
    absurdic Posts: 62 Member
    Awesome way to start your journey!
    I would have 3 main advices
    -Drink lots of water
    -Pause. Feel. Appreciate the progress
    -Don't stress it.
  • emdeesea
    emdeesea Posts: 1,823 Member
    In before you get slammed for saying you're addicted to food. I know what you mean, so I'm not going to tell you there's no such thing. It's more of a coping mechanism that's become a bad habit - so I get it.

    Recognize that it's a cycle that you have to break. You get depressed so you eat. You eat and you gain weight and you get depressed. And it will continue until you stop it somehow.

    You're exercising - that's a good way to help beat depression.

    I guess my best advice is to be aware of your behavior. I say this because it helped me as well. Other people might call it "being mindful." Whatever, same thing. Just realize that you've gotten yourself in this rut and you can get out, you just have to break these bad habits and be persistent.
  • KymberlyGiudici
    KymberlyGiudici Posts: 23 Member
    Add a high dosage Vitamin B-complex supplement to your diet. The B vitamins have natural anti-depressant qualities. As does fish oil, and Vitamin D. The B's will also help give you a little energy to help with your workouts, so thats an added bonus! I can cite research where it shows this if you need any proof, but then again Google can also confirm.

    :) Good Luck!
  • Out_of_Bubblegum
    Out_of_Bubblegum Posts: 2,220 Member
    First of all... Congratulations on making such great progress!

    Now - general advice...

    1. Keep logging EVERYTHING. Be 100% honest with every bite. Your eating habits will change over time just by doing this.
    2. Keep working out - you're definitely on the right track there.
    3. Slowly increase your workout intensity and duration - don't overdue it, but keep challenging yourself. Don't let it become easy.
    4. Give it time.. you didn't gain all the weight overnight, and you won't lose it overnight either.
    5. Don't stress on eating "clean" or "only eat healthy things", or "don't eat after 8 PM" nonsense... as long as you stay within your calorie limits and are honest about your logging, you will do just fine.
    6. If you find your night snacking is making you go over for the day, then plan ahead.. Save some cals for the late night snacks... or pre-pack some lower calorie snacks so they are easy to grab when the urge strikes.
    7. Drink water... it helps.

    Add me as a friend if you want some support...

    Keep it up!!
  • rabtib
    rabtib Posts: 10
    I struggle with depression too and emotional eating, keeping track and exercising should help with that for you but won't solve it. I keep myself motivated and positive by logging on here and talking to others and I follow several people on facebook that are very motivating and struggle with depression. I highly recommend following EatRunLiftRepeat on FB, she is amazing and gives daily advice and she too was one of us. keep up the fight, we got this!