Severe Side Cramps When Running in the A.M

I recently started running in the early morning and I am getting severe side cramps. I tried eating a banana this morning before I ran and it made it worse. Any suggestions? I'm new to early morning running so I'm not sure what I should eat/drink. Appreciate the help!


  • rahlpn
    rahlpn Posts: 551 Member
    I've heard they're caused by spasms in the diaphram caused by rapid breathing combined with the fast up and down motion of each leg. I found these tips to help alleviate them. When I get them I slow down and stop, bend forward, take a deep breath in then forcefully blow out several times, stand up, stretch on both sides then try to concentrate on my breathing once I start back up.

    "There are many suggestions for avoiding side stitches, but what works for one person may or may not help another. Experiment with the ideas below, use the ones that work, and disregard the rest.

    ■Eat moderately-sized, low-fat meals 2-3 hours before practice or competition.
    ■Stick to familiar foods that are easily digested. A small snack about an hour before a workout or run is OK, but this snack should be comprised mostly of carbohydrate and fluid, not fat. Examples include 1/2 deli sandwich and a sports drink, 2-4 fig bars and a sports drink, or a granola bar and a sports drink. If all else fails,try different sources of pre-workout foods (energy gels, sports drinks, bread, pasta, oatmeal, fruits) till you find something you can tolerate without getting a pain in the side.
    ■Stop running or walking and bend forward, while tightening the abdominal muscles.
    ■Exhale through pursed lips (to focus on breathing pattern).
    ■Stretch (right arm extended upward, lean to the left, hold for 20-30 seconds, repeat with the left arm stretched upward).
    ■Breathe deeply (to stretch the diaphragm).
    ■Change breathing patterns while running (inhale one extra beat than when exhaling (inhale 1-2-3; exhale 1-2).
    ■Slow your pace of running or walking.
    ■Hydrate during your workouts with 7-10 ounces of water or a sports drink (Gatorade) every 10-15 minutes. These amounts and types of beverages will promote better fluid absorption compared to consumption of larger amounts of beverages such as fruit juices."
  • poma91
    poma91 Posts: 181 Member
    Be sure to warm up - 5 minutes brisk walk should do it. Also STRETCH, STRETCH, STRETCH. Cramps are usually cause by lack mainly by lack of magnesium. Other causes could be lack of potassium, lack of sodium, muscle fatigue.
    I used to get horrible cramps in my back and couldn't move for a couple of days. Since then everyday I am taking a multivitamin + minerals tablet and a magnesium tablet. Also drink lots of water. Bananas are full of potassium. Magnesium rich foods are dark leafy greens like spinach, fish, beans, nuts, avocados. Just keep a healthy diet and the cramps should go away in a week or so. If not consult your gp
  • Mamagill08
    Mamagill08 Posts: 20 Member
    Thanks so much!! This is great information that I'm going to use immediately. Love this site! :)
  • davemunger
    davemunger Posts: 1,139 Member
    I have a friend who is an olympic runner (Anthony Famiglietti), and he swears by taking anti-gas tablets before runs to prevent side stitches. I've never tried it, but I figure anyone who can run a sub-14-minute 5K probably knows a thing or two about running!
  • Mamagill08
    Mamagill08 Posts: 20 Member
    Wow I think Im gonna try that!! Thanks so much!