I want to stick around for my son

nothingblooms Posts: 14
edited March 2015 in Introduce Yourself
Hi I am a 29 year old male that, after 15 years of being over 300 lbs has gotten sick of the depression, fatigue, aches and pains that come along with being overweight. I am sticking to a very strict diet consisting of the following: fuji apple, bowl of cheerios with 1% milk (just a splash for taste) for breakfast, a salad with tomatoes, romaine lettuce, mushrooms, and a very small amount of cheese along with a chopped up grilled skinless boneless chicken breast for lunch, and a Healthy Choice Simply meal for dinner. I have cut soda, and fast food completely out of the equation. I get on the treadmill after work and burn 300 calories walking 1.5 miles in 30 mins each night. I am down almost 20 lbs since starting this diet; 6 more days and it will be a month. I found that after a few days of this diet I wasn't as hungry anymore, and if somehow I ate over that amount I was very full very fast. Good luck to all of those who have tried dieting. By June I want to be down to 250-260 and by the end of the year I want to be 200 lbs or less.