Any one else with IBS?

MarvelousMrs Posts: 197 Member
edited November 2024 in Food and Nutrition
I have IBS, mainly IBS-C though I do sometimes suffer IBS-D during "flare ups." Anyone else suffer with this? It's absolutely awful and very discouraging. I had a bit flare up in December (sure helped me avoid all those extra Christmas calories! lol) but since January things have settled down. Today, however, it came back with a vengeance! I'm not sure if it was the cappuccino I had this morning or the Subway sub I had for lunch (those are the only two things I've had today that are out of the ordinary), but man am I in pain! And I'm at work! I've already excused myself a few times to make a bathroom visit. UGH! Please tell me I'm not alone!


  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    Yes, DH does, and most probably at least one of our kids too. After doing the Fodmap diet, he found he does best without gluten, dairy, and sugar. He managed to lose some weight too.

  • rhtexasgal
    rhtexasgal Posts: 572 Member
    I have ulcerative colitis and while not the same as IBS, many symptoms are similar. I have it under control but I find if I have too much dairy (basically more than a cup) I am in trouble. I also limit the wheat I eat. And I can never drink alcohol again :( It is too much trouble dealing with the consequences. UC is the reason why I work out first thing in the morning on an empty stomach (or sometimes with a small cup of iced coffee with monkfruit sweetener).
  • jenniator
    jenniator Posts: 475 Member
    I know exact how you feel having IBS myself :( It really is horrible and discouraging. It makes every day tasks so difficult. Mine is pretty bad and it happens several times a day. If I even drink some tea I'm off to the bathroom sigh. It's nice to know were not alone though. :)
  • Nataliegetfit
    Nataliegetfit Posts: 395 Member
    If you use the fodmap diet for a couple weeks then once a day or every other day add one questionable food and see what happens. If you have a problem, you know that is a trigger food and to stay away from it. It will take a little while, but eventually you will know what your problem foods are and really help your quality of life. My daughter has problems with dairy and beans, still trying to figure the rest out. Hope you can too.
  • Mistizoom
    Mistizoom Posts: 578 Member
    I used to have IBS-D but have not had any episodes since I started eating low carb in November 2012.
  • supermodelchic
    supermodelchic Posts: 550 Member
    also try reading the book Happy Belly by Nayda Andreeva, very helpful info about digestion and how best to eat your foods ..
  • KylaDenay
    KylaDenay Posts: 1,585 Member
    Everyone is different, but I started eating keto recently and I have not had any flare ups. Taking a few days to adjust, but after that symptoms were gone.

    Everyone is different though. That is just what works for me now.
  • adora85
    adora85 Posts: 33 Member
    I have IBS - A. I have noticed also that flare ups occur when I eat bread. I stopped eating bread and felt great, but I had a slice of pizza a couple of weeks ago and was bloated and then had alternating, ahem, other problems. I also retain A LOT of water when I bloat so its been frustrating. I just have to be more diligent with avoiding breads and super spicy food (sadly I love both).
  • Nataliegetfit
    Nataliegetfit Posts: 395 Member
    adora85, there are lots of pizza places that do a gluten free pizza, you might try to check into it, I've heard from my daughter that she couldn't taste the difference?
  • MarvelousMrs
    MarvelousMrs Posts: 197 Member
    Oh I'm so glad I'm not alone! It is very frustrating :( I'm glad u all understand!
  • punchgut
    punchgut Posts: 210 Member
    Check out the against all grain blog.
  • indyrunning
    indyrunning Posts: 136 Member
    All my tests have come back inconclusive, but I suffer like the rest of you with flare-ups. I can't tell if it is what I ate today or if it is something I ate days ago. Makes a food map really tough. I do have a connective tissue disorder and it messes up the matter, too.
  • steeheart
    steeheart Posts: 56 Member
    I thought I had ibs, but after losing weight and eating less it was easier for me to see what exactly was giving me problems. Coffee, spicy food, beans and cashews!!
  • Foamroller
    Foamroller Posts: 1,041 Member
    Test what you react to, it's individual.
    My IBS is practically gone after supplementing fiber, eat LCHF. I also have to avoid lactose and gluten. It can be hard to follow, but then again being chained to the bathroom with pain is not really a life.
  • Gianfranco_R
    Gianfranco_R Posts: 1,297 Member
    I second the advice to check the low FODMAP diet.
    An alternative is the SCD diet (more restrictive in starches).
    In any case, better to be followed by a doctor and/or a dietitian.

  • JocelyneRage
    JocelyneRage Posts: 3 Member
    I suffer from Crohns disease (diagnosed 3 years ago) and I'm just now reading about other people with IBS/IBD feeling a million times better since they have gone low carb/gluten free. Dairy is a great thing to cut back on anyhow, but cutting carbs is such a pain! Try getting a salad from Subway instead next time! Their chopped salads aren't all that bad!
  • amyrllin1
    amyrllin1 Posts: 34 Member
    Count me in! You are not alone. I find dairy and wheat are my triggers. I can handle them in very small amounts, then I run into bloating, water retention and constipation. I miss beer, gluten free beer is nasty!
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