Fat guy on a mission

Bama1818 Posts: 32 Member
Always been a big guy but I got really big about 2 years ago talking 380 lbs big. Mainly do to my job doing a complete 180 went from an active job to one where I just sit on my butt for hours up to 12 then with completely out of control sleeping times never going to sleep or waking up at same time mostly third shift going completley against the body clock. I've worked down to the 295 pound range but really stalled hard. Went and saw my doctor and he's wanting me down to 1700 calories a day and to take Belviq. I'm not a very good pill person wont even take Advil or anything like that. Only pill I will take is a daily vitamin.

Right now my workouts are as follows

100 push ups
100 Squats with dumbells 35lbs each
100 crunches
All these are done in 3 sets 10 reps throughout the day 7 days a week

My cardio consist of 5 days a week on treadmill 3.0 mph 2% incline and then every 3 minutes I boost the speed to 5mph then back down to 3.0 mph for 3 mins for a total of 30mins

3 days a week a do weight lifting nothing major just more of full body weight exercises.

So my question is should I seek out another doctor or has anyone here been on Belviq and do it do any good. I know a pill didn't get me to this weight and health and I don't expect it to fix me either


  • Sunnyrae74
    Sunnyrae74 Posts: 11 Member
    I have never heard of that one. I'm counting calories but focusing on a high protein and lower carb diet, cutting out the processed foods, and drinking lots of water. It seems to be working for me. Before, I had been counting calories and was on a stricter caloric intake. I was hungry, though, and suffering from headaches and not losing. In fact, I gained three pounds back. I had to increase my caloric intake just a bit and focus more on the kinds of calories I was eating to get back to losing. Since I've been doing that, I lost 5 pounds in 6 days.
  • emyoungx5
    emyoungx5 Posts: 21
    Your food intake needs to much your work out. Running needs higher carb intake. Lifting need higher protein intake. So you body has the right mount of what it needs to burn.
  • Angelfire365
    Angelfire365 Posts: 803 Member
    emyoungx5 wrote: »
    Your food intake needs to much your work out. Running needs higher carb intake. Lifting need higher protein intake. So you body has the right mount of what it needs to burn.

    I did not know this. I thought it was protein across the board. I may need to switch things up a bit. What if you do running and lifting on the same day?
  • Capt_Inzane
    Capt_Inzane Posts: 733 Member
    Me and you sound about the same. I was around 350 and got done to 270 then back up to 290 something and back and forth. I just recently switched to where I'm eating very low carbs (just corn and what not trying no bread,pasta, rice, etc) for a bit. I recently started lifting a lot heavier at the gym and have increased my cardio. I know I should eat more as yesterday I ate less than 1k calories I want to be around 1,400/day which isn't hard to do because of eliminating all the carbs. I'm eating a ton of vegetables and lean protein so I just feel great!

    The biggest thing is to not slow down, when you hit a plateau you need to break through it so just up everything and remember to be as strict as possible with your food intake. I kept eye balling and thinking I was getting it right and I was WAY off (sometimes as much as 1k calories a day!).
  • Capt_Inzane
    Capt_Inzane Posts: 733 Member
    Carbs are typically fuel used up but if you're doing cardio and not taking in a lot of carbs your body will break down fat to burn for energy. I'm not sure what lowering carbs will do for my body but it's something I'm willing to try. I up'd my protein by eating turkey, fish, chicken and with that increase in protein something had to go down. I get my fats from avocado, beans, meat, etc so thus carbs had to go down. It's just simple macro's.