A list of positive feelings after exercising (add yours too!)

ammo7 Posts: 188 Member
After exercising, I often feel lots of good feelings. As a motivational tool for when we don't feel the motivation to exercise, it can be really handy to have a reminder about those positive feelings. Here are some of mine:
- I feel an overall sense of happiness in the accomplishment of sticking to my goals
- I feel stronger and fitter, like I'm really making a difference to my body & health
- I actually *want* to drink more water for the rest of the day (usually I'd crave diet soda)
- I feel a bit less hungry in the hours following my exercise
- My head feels clearer and I think I perform better mentally/academically after exercising
- It feels extra-refreshing to earn my shower

What positive post-exercise feelings would you guys want to remind yourself about, on days that it just doesn't seem "worth it" to get all sweaty?


  • jessicasmum2008
    jessicasmum2008 Posts: 68 Member
    -It will get you one step closer to your goal!
    -dont work out because you hate your body, do it because you love your body and youre treating it right
  • ammo7
    ammo7 Posts: 188 Member
    -It will get you one step closer to your goal!
    -dont work out because you hate your body, do it because you love your body and youre treating it right
    I love that viewpoint - we aren't punishing ourselves, we are investing in our bodies by working out :)
  • slovie64
    slovie64 Posts: 55 Member
    1. I love the idea that I have made a step towards my monthly goal - I set mile goal each month. Last month is was 60 miles, which I passed..this month it's 75 and I've already put 30 miles behind me so far.
    2. I love that my co-workers and family see me head out for a walk EVERY DAY.
    3. I love that I have become somewhat fanatical about exercise - the thought of ME being fanatical about EXERCISE is a totally outer limits thought
  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,323 Member
    after i work out I

    1. have a better attitude the rest of the day
    2. am more clear headed
    3. eat healthier
    4. laugh more
    5. sleep better
  • ammo7
    ammo7 Posts: 188 Member
    @slovie64 It's awesome that exercise has become part of who you are as a person, and I think that's a great idea to have mile goals to meet each month. One of my favorite things to do is to hike, so perhaps I'll use your mile-goal idea for the summer to keep me pushing further.

    @laurielima Exercising making you laugh more is a fantastic reason to do it. And I had forgotten about sleeping better, I definitely agree with that too.
  • AlciaMode
    AlciaMode Posts: 421 Member
    Today when I ran for the first time in ages i started getting cramps and thought about stopping. Instead I reminded myself that pain is weakness leaving the body and pushed through. My feeling is ACCOMPLISHED
  • ammo7
    ammo7 Posts: 188 Member
    AlciaMode wrote: »
    Today when I ran for the first time in ages i started getting cramps and thought about stopping. Instead I reminded myself that pain is weakness leaving the body and pushed through. My feeling is ACCOMPLISHED

    Awesome, good on you for pushing through :)

  • Roxiegirl2008
    Roxiegirl2008 Posts: 756 Member
    I feel strong
  • StephMDtoo
    StephMDtoo Posts: 37 Member
    I love that when I finish the first round I'm already looking forward to the next one. (I work out in 10 minute increments throughout the day because I rarely have 30 minutes to dedicate to stuff).
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    I feel accomplished
    I feel like I can do anything
    I'll sleep well that night
    I'm one workout closer to the arms & shoulders I want ;)
  • Alidecker
    Alidecker Posts: 1,262 Member
    Stress from the work day fades away
    I am less hungry (accept for swimming, that makes me extra hungry)
    I sleep better
    I have made a lot of friends through exercise in the last several years