Had weight loss surgery, taking questions

Had a gastric sleeve 4 months ago, so far lost over 40 lbs. any questions for me?


  • lepnat
    lepnat Posts: 33 Member
    I will ask a few:

    - How did you manage the first couple of months after the surgery? I'm told the diet is pretty limited.
    - Were you a stress eater prior to the surgery? If so, have you had to deal with situations lately where in the past you would eat through them and now you "can't"?
    - How long before you felt well enough to return to your everyday life?
    - What type of support system did you have after the surgery? Family, friends, surgery support groups, etc., and how vital was it?

  • jj176
    jj176 Posts: 15
    lepnat wrote: »
    I will ask a few:

    - How did you manage the first couple of months after the surgery? I'm told the diet is pretty limited.
    - Were you a stress eater prior to the surgery? If so, have you had to deal with situations lately where in the past you would eat through them and now you "can't"?
    - How long before you felt well enough to return to your everyday life?
    - What type of support system did you have after the surgery? Family, friends, surgery support groups, etc., and how vital was it?


    I really couldn't do the puréed food too much for the first 6 weeks, i survived on soft crushed broccoli, crushed meatballs, and lentils soup. I was not a stress eater, but u get full really quickly so that helps u not too over eat. After the first week i was ok enough but it was way better after 2 weeks. My husband stayed home for the first week with me, but u see the weight loss surgery dr monthly to keep track and motivation. Hope i was helpfull
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    How tall and what start weight, how much do you hope to lose, why did you have surgery instead of just making the same intake restriction by another means eg willpower.