Greetings from the Dairy State USA

Mid 30’s, overweight, ex-smoker(smoked for 18 years). That is probably the best way to describe myself. I have been out of shape for many years with little exercise in my life and many poor dietary habits. I have a somewhat sedentary job, most of my day is spent behind a desk. My job is book-ended by an hour in the car each way to and from work. My evenings and weekends are spent driving kids around to various activities.

So now its time to finally get my health under control. I've messed around with MyFitnessPal's android app for a while, but am finally serious about using it. Alongside this site/app I've also started a blog to try and keep tabs on myself. The link is below if anyone is interested.

Back to here and now. I am posting this message because I've heard and read that it is important for people to have support when doing anything challenging; weight loss being no different. I look forward to the journey forward.
