I want to make sure I'm on the right track. (A weightlifting/strength training question)

Mrsallen6_11 Posts: 416 Member
edited March 2015 in Goal: Maintaining Weight
OK, I'll start with the basics; I'm 23, 5' 0", and currently 115 lbs. I was eating around 1200 to 1300 calories per day and exercising (mainly running, zumba, and yoga) 3 to 4 times a week. Now just this past week I decided I didn't just want to lose weight, I also wanted to gain some muscle and strength as well but I don't plan to really bulking (I don't really have the equipment right now to bulk anyways). So I've finally started using my Nike Training Club app again, incorporating that in at least 3 times a week, doing some form of cardio (my regular running, zumba, or yoga) the other three days, and having one rest day for the week but it's not really a full rest day though cause I'm still pretty active. I also do a quick 15 min. body weight (no weights) workout every morning to start my day.

I've notice recently, today specifically, that a lot of people have been posting about weightlifting and strength training, and I've been doing my homework a bit and reading plenty of replies to some of these other threads as well but I wanted to make sure I've done the right thing.

I realized that if I was going to, I guess it would be a recomp (please correct me if I'm wrong about that), I needed to eat a bit more. So I updated my goals on MFP to maintain and it upped my calories to 1500, which I know on my hard exercise days I will most likely (based on my research) meet that goal or should exceed it, and on my light exercise and rest days I'll eat a bit less than that.

Is this correct? Did I make the right choice? Based on my research this should be correct, but I wanted to get help from the MFP Vets/Gurus out there first. I know ya'll will be able to help me better than Google, at least I hope.

Thanks in advance for any replies that you give, good or bad.

Sorry for multiple posts, I just want to make sure I put my question in right place.

~ Kris


  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    Yes recomp is what staying at roughly the same weight and slowly losing fat and gaining muscle over a period of time. Your strength may well increase rapidly in the first few months as that's mostly your nervous system adapting.

    Don't get tied up with calorie numbers, go by your actual weight results over time.

    I've no idea what "Nike Training Club App" may be giving you as exercise but the most effective routines include progressive overload.

    Strength training doesn't actually give you a high calorie burn, your running days will be your biggest calorie burners.
  • Mrsallen6_11
    Mrsallen6_11 Posts: 416 Member
    sijomial wrote: »
    Strength training doesn't actually give you a high calorie burn, your running days will be your biggest calorie burners.

    Yes, I've been seeing that repeated a good bit throughout my research.

    The NTC app just has a variety pre-made circuits so I'm not doing the same thing every day, my workout last night included a lot of lunges, squats, push-ups, burpees, and russian twists, if that gives you an idea.